"Alipata" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


alipatá - A kind of poisonous plant.

alipata CEBUANO

alipáta, alipátà n k.
medium-sized tree of the seashore, the ashes of which are used for soap making.
Ingredient for a broth to counter bárang: Excoecaria agallocha.

Few words of positivity

I want a future where my children feel safe and appreciated and proud to be who they are. My heart is one with all the Arab Spring heroes, no matter how small they think their role is. I know they believe, like me, that we are working for a world whereby an Arab can live with the other in a respectful and dignified way.

Tawakkol Karman

Laugh your heart out.

Alsation: How come you are always so well behaved when you go on a walk with your master? Chihuahua: It's the leash I can do!

resort ENGLISH

Active power or movement; spring.

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To accost; to address.

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bíhag v [A; a12] {1a} bring into captivity. Mga múrus ang mibíhag sa mga Bisayà, Muslims who captured and carried …

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kanínyo - (B) You, to you, etc. See sa ínyo, id.

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maragkót - (B) Sticky, viscous, adhesive, stiff. Mabúdlay ang paglakát sa maragkót nga lalaó. Walking through sticky mud is tiresome. …

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luyág - To be fond of, attached to, have a passion for, take a fancy to, look sweet upon, fall …

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bída - (Sp. vida) Life; to live, work for a livelihood, keep oneself, maintain oneself. Anó ang ginabída mo sa …

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spoliatory ENGLISH

Tending to spoil; destructive; spoliative.

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conversation ENGLISH

General course of conduct; behavior.

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mustasa TAGALOG

mustasa Definition: (noun) mustard

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equanimity ENGLISH

Evenness of mind; that calm temper or firmness of mind which is not easily elated or depressed; patience; calmness; composure; …

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inagúsan - Scraped clean, dressed (of rattan, etc.; cf. águs).

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footprint ENGLISH

The impression of the foot; a trace or footmark; as, \"Footprints of the Creator.\"

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ironclad ENGLISH

A naval vessel having the parts above water covered and protected by iron or steel usually in large plates closely …

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canoeing ENGLISH

The act or art of using a canoe.

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prolong ENGLISH

To put off to a distant time; to postpone.

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bene placito ENGLISH

At or during pleasure.

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paliiw ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to observe, watch, notice, pay attention to. Paliiwen tayo ti gunay dagidiay nga tao. Let us observe the …

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