"Tattling" is a word in ENGLISH

tattling ENGLISH

Given to idle talk; apt to tell tales.

tattling ENGLISH

of Tattle

Few words of positivity

Wherever you are — it’s too early to draw a conclusion. You may be down, but you’re not done. Today’s defeat could be tomorrow’s gold.

Joe Jordan, Sharpen Your Life: 52 Strategic Moments to Create a Lifetime of Success

Laugh your heart out.

Shingles were loose on Pennock's roof, and he complained about leaks to Barton, his neighbor. "Why don't you mend the roof?" asked Barton. "I can't today," Pennock replied. "It's pouring rain.""Well, why don't you patch it in dry weather." "It don't leak then!"


Given rest and ease; averse to labor or employment; lazy; slothful; as, an idle fellow.

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industrious ENGLISH

Given to industry; characterized by diligence; constantly, regularly, or habitually occupied; busy; assiduous; not slothful or idle; -- commonly implying …

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project ENGLISH

An idle scheme; an impracticable design; as, a man given to projects.

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witwit CEBUANO

witwit a drooping of lips, with the lower lip hanging down. v {1} [B6; b6] get droopy lips. {2} [A; …

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