"Albino" is a word in HILIGAYNON, ENGLISH

albino ENGLISH

A person, whether negro, Indian, or white, in whom by some
defect of organization the substance which gives color to the skin,
hair, and eyes is deficient or in a morbid state. An albino has a skin
of a milky hue, with hair of the same color, and eyes with deep red
pupil and pink or blue iris. The term is also used of the lower
animals, as white mice, elephants, etc.; and of plants in a whitish
condition from the absence of chlorophyll.


albíno - (Sp. albino) An albino, an
abnormally white person usually with pink
eyes and very light hair. This absence of
pigment is also found among animals, birds
and fishes, (cf. bukáy).

Few words of positivity

Trust is that tiny thread that holds your brand together; when trust is torn or tampered with, you will have a broken brand; your business will fall.

Bernard Kelvin Clive

Laugh your heart out.

There is a new Barbie doll on the market - Chernobyl Barbie ...glows in the dark

alunogen ENGLISH

A white fibrous mineral frequently found on the walls of mines and quarries, chiefly hydrous sulphate of alumina; -- also …

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balhibu CEBUANO

balhíbu n hair on the body, but not pubic hairs, hair of animals, feathers. Bagà ang balhíbu sa íyang íluk, …

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Destitute of light, or incapable of reflecting it; of the color of soot or coal; of the darkest or a …

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blanch ENGLISH

To take the color out of, and make white; to bleach; as, to blanch linen; age has blanched his hair.

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blossom ENGLISH

The color of a horse that has white hairs intermixed with sorrel and bay hairs; -- otherwise called peach color.

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capuchin ENGLISH

A long-tailed South American monkey (Cabus capucinus), having the forehead naked and wrinkled, with the hair on the crown reflexed …

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frosty ENGLISH

Appearing as if covered with hoarfrost; white; gray-haired; as, a frosty head.

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gising-gisingan HILIGAYNON

gisíng-gisingán - Grey-haired about the temples; to grey (gray), become white (of the hair near the temples). Nanggisínggisingán (Naggisínggisingán) na …

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White mixed with black, as the color of pepper and salt, or of ashes, or of hair whitened by age; …

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guereza ENGLISH

A beautiful Abyssinian monkey (Colobus guereza), having the body black, with a fringe of long, silky, white hair along the …

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White or gray with age; hoar; as, hoary hairs.

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Covered with short, dense, grayish white hairs; canescent.

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itum a black. ug dílà a having a black spot on the tongue, a sign that a person is a …

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kalugti CEBUANO

kalugtì n k. o. sweet potato with white peelings and yellow or reddish meat. kalugungkugung n name given to several …

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koodoo ENGLISH

A large South African antelope (Strepsiceros kudu). The males have graceful spiral horns, sometimes four feet long. The general color …

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A name given to several species of the orchidaceous genus Spiranthes, in which the white flowers are set in spirals …

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leucous ENGLISH

White; -- applied to albinos, from the whiteness of their skin and hair.

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mangagaw CEBUANO

mangágaw n k. o. annual, sti? -haired herb, much-branched from the base, with small flowers in dense axilliary clusters. The …

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óbad - The core of banana plants. (úbad id.). óban; obánon, White hair; gray-haired. See úban; ubánon.

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pánit n {1} skin. {2} peelings. {3} bark. {4} leather, s.t. made of leather. {5} shell of a shrimp, egg. …

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