"Gising-Gisingan" is a word in HILIGAYNON

gising-gisingan HILIGAYNON

gisíng-gisingán - Grey-haired about the
temples; to grey (gray), become white (of
the hair near the temples).
Nanggisínggisingán (Naggisínggisingán)
na siá. He (She) is grey-haired. He (She)
has turned gray (near the temples or
forehead). (cf. úban, bukáy, putî).

Few words of positivity

I could reply. I could tell him that a metaphor is inadequate in the face of a bloodbath. That a Platonic inclination for dying doesn't balance out the serious decision to kill. That through the ages there has never been a great historical infamy committed for which there couldn't be found a symbol just as big, to justify it. That, in consequence, we would do well to pay attention to great certainties, to great invocations, to the great 'droughts' and 'rains'. That the temper of our most violent outbursts might benefit from a shade less enthusiasm.I could reply. But what good would it do? I have a simple, resigned, inexplicable sensation that everything that is happening is in the normal order of things and that I am awaiting a season that will come and pass -- because it has come and passed before.

Mihail Sebastian, For Two Thousand Years

Laugh your heart out.

A political man to a woman, "You look beautiful today!!!!"The woman replied, "Thanks, but unfortunately I could not say the same about you.""Sure you could!!" said the political man, "if you could lie as well as I do!"


In Engllsh law. Gentle-men of the Inns of court and chancery. In Gray’s Inn the society consists of benchers, ancients, …

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