"Alabu-Abon" is a word in HILIGAYNON

alabu-abon HILIGAYNON

alabu-ábon - Mixed with sediment,
turbid, etc. (cf. alabú-ab).

Few words of positivity

You don't have to suffer to be a poet adolescence is enough suffering for anyone.

John Ciardi

Laugh your heart out.

Why is it difficult to identify horses from the back?They're always switching their tails!

chalky ENGLISH

Consisting of, or resembling, chalk; containing chalk; as, a chalky cliff; a chalky taste.

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panglawas HILIGAYNON

pangláwas - Form or shape of one’s body. See panglawasón.

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n. beriberi. v. /-UM-/ [= UMBAL] to swell, to become tumescent or swollen due to beriberi or any internal injury. …

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Belonging to a diocese; a bishop, as he stands related to his own clergy or flock

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caper tree ENGLISH

See Capper, a plant, 2.

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entablement ENGLISH

See Entablature.

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graining ENGLISH

Indentation; roughening; milling, as on edges of coins.

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sixtieth ENGLISH

The quotient of a unit divided by sixty; one of sixty equal parts forming a whole.

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guhang CEBUANO

guhang, gúhang n toddy made from the buri palm.

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kati-kati HILIGAYNON

katí-katí - Small, very itchy eruptions, pustules or boils in various skin diseases.

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gauged ENGLISH

Tested or measured by, or conformed to, a gauge.

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To fasten in a manner which will allow of free motion upon the point or points of suspension; -- said …

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decistere ENGLISH

The tenth part of the stere or cubic meter, equal to 3.531 cubic feet. See Stere.

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Having a conspicious tongue; -- said of certain reptiles and insects.

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suspensation ENGLISH

The act of suspending, or the state of being suspended, especially for a short time; temporary suspension.

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abansada CEBUANO

abansáda a exposed to the wind. v [B12; c1] for s.t. to be directly open to the wind. Naabansáda sa …

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A covered deep hole for entrapping wild beasts; a pitfall; hence, a trap; a snare. Also used figuratively.

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tugáw - See tugák, hugák.

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