"Prophesier" is a word in ENGLISH

prophesier ENGLISH

A prophet.

Few words of positivity

Failure is a teacher. It teaches what you ought to learn.

Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

Laugh your heart out.

Patient: I'm really depressed. Therapist: I see. Yes. You are depressed. Patient: Nothing is going well. Therapist: Nothing well. Patient: I feel like killing myself. T: You're thinking of killing yourself. P: Yes, I'm going to do it NOW. T: You want to do it now. P: [Jumps out window.] T: Woosh. Splat.

apocalyptical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a revelation, or, specifically, to the Revelation of St. John; containing, or of the nature of, …

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One who foretells events by omens; a soothsayer; a diviner; a prophet.

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balà (not without l) v [A; a12] find out information about an event that has happened (who stole s.t. , …

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daniel ENGLISH

A Hebrew prophet distinguished for sagacity and ripeness of judgment in youth; hence, a sagacious and upright judge.

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fatidical ENGLISH

Having power to foretell future events; prophetic; fatiloquent; as, the fatidical oak.

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fatiloquent ENGLISH

Prophetic; fatidical.

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hagiographa ENGLISH

The last of the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament, or that portion not contained in the Law and …

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inspiration ENGLISH

A supernatural divine influence on the prophets, apostles, or sacred writers, by which they were qualified to communicate moral or …

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inspired ENGLISH

Moved or animated by, or as by, a supernatural influence; affected by divine inspiration; as, the inspired prophets; the inspired …

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irvingite ENGLISH

The common designation of one a sect founded by the Rev. Edward Irving (about 1830), who call themselves the Catholic …

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The religion of the Mohammedans; Mohammedanism; Islamism. Their formula of faith is: There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed …

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The Hebrew prophet, who was cast overboard as one who endangered the ship; hence, any person whose presence is unpropitious.

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lamentation ENGLISH

A book of the Old Testament attributed to the prophet Jeremiah, and taking its name from the nature of its …

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mammadles ILOKANO

n. a person who predicts future events in an. way a prophet. 1 PADRE [padrε; f. Sp.], n. a term …

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manalagna HILIGAYNON

manalágnà - Prophet, seer, foreteller, prognosticator. (cf. tágnà).

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mananagna HILIGAYNON

mananágnà - Prophet. (cf. manalágnà). (tágnà—lágnà).

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mantic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to divination, or to the condition of one inspired, or supposed to be inspired, by a deity; …

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manugtagna HILIGAYNON

manugtágnà - Prophet, seer, fore-teller, predictor. (cf. tágnà, manalágnà, mananágnà).

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manunugma HILIGAYNON

manunúgma - Seer, prophet, propounder of riddles, riddle maker, riddle solver; wise, sage. (cf. túgma).

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oracle ENGLISH

One who communicates a divine command; an angel; a prophet.

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