"Agamous" is a word in ENGLISH

agamous ENGLISH

Having no visible sexual organs; asexual.

agamous ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

Most people are far too much occupied with themselves to be malicious.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human

Laugh your heart out.

A pair of biologists are studying terns on a rock island just off the coast. While walking on a distant part of the island, they are shot at by a group of thugs operating a pot farm. This happens several times and the local law enforcement refuses to investigate.On their last day on the island they happen into a huge pile of harvested grass that has been set out to dry. Quickly they decide to set it on fire to pay the thugs back for shooting at them. The fire takes off and sends plumes of smoke into the sky. As they are running for their boat, they notice that the soaring birds are acting weird, spiraling out of control and crashing into the trees.The next day they read the headlines in the local paper:Pot Farm Burns - No Tern Left Unstoned.


As used in a statute relating to service in the militia, tills term does not imply an absolute freedom from …

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acephalocyst ENGLISH

A larval entozoon in the form of a subglobular or oval vesicle, or hydatid, filled with fluid, sometimes found in …

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agamic ENGLISH

Not having visible organs of reproduction, as flowerless plants; agamous.

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ambrotype ENGLISH

A picture taken on a plate of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades …

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ánaw n area of the surface of the sea which has a di? erent texture from the surrounding area, usually …

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anihag CEBUANO

aníhag (from síhag) v {1} [A; c1] peer or look through s.t. trans-parent. Dihay mianihag (nag-anihag) sa bildung takup, S. …

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animya CEBUANO

animya n anemia. v [a4] get anemia. Káun ug atay arun dílì ka animyáhun, Eat liver so you wont get …

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aninag TAGALOG

aninag Definition: (adj) visible, transparent, translucent

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ántaw - Visible from afar, prominent. (cf. pántaw).

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antaw a for things at a distance to be visible. Ang Buhul antaw sa Talísay, Bohol is visible from Talisay. …

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anthroposcopy ENGLISH

The art of discovering or judging of a man's character, passions. and inclinations from a study of his visible features.

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apparent ENGLISH

Capable of being seen, or easily seen; open to view; visible to the eye; within sight or view.

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apparentness ENGLISH

Plainness to the eye or the mind; visibleness; obviousness.

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apparition ENGLISH

The thing appearing; a visible object; a form.

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apparition ENGLISH

The act of becoming visible; appearance; visibility.

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appear ENGLISH

To become visible to the apprehension of the mind; to be known as a subject of observation or comprehension, or …

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appear ENGLISH

To come or be in sight; to be in view; to become visible.

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appearance ENGLISH

The act of appearing or coming into sight; the act of becoming visible to the eye; as, his sudden appearance …

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To spring up; to come into action, being, or notice; to become operative, sensible, or visible; to begin to act …

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