"Abutter" is a word in ENGLISH

abutter ENGLISH

One who, or that which, abuts. Specifically, the owner of
a contiguous estate; as, the abutters on a street or a river.

Few words of positivity

Genius as such can neither be explained nor treated away only at times its delay and inhibition and its perversion to destructive or self-destructive ends.

Erik Erikson

Laugh your heart out.

Patient: Doctor, you have to help me stop talking to myself. Doctor: Why is that? Patient: I'm a salesman and I keep selling myself things I don't want.


abu n {1} ashes. {2} = alabúhan. v {1} [A; a12] make ashes. Abuha nang mga palwa ug gam-ang sabun, …

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abut v {1} [A; a12] arrive, reach a place. Dì pa makaabut (maabut) ang suwat, The letter wont have arrived …

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v. /-UM-/ to reach, arrive in. Immabutak idiay Manila. I reached Manila. /MAKA-: MA-AN/ to (be able to) overtake or …

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abut-abut HILIGAYNON

abút-abút - Freq. of abút. Also: Following one another in quick succession, (cf. abákabák).

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ápas v {1} [A2; a12b2] follow and catch up with. Muápas níya ang íyang asáwa sa Rúma, His wife will …

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aríya v {1} [A; b7c1] lower. Ariyáhi ang písì ug dupa, Pay out a fathom of rope. Iaríya (ariyáha) na …

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baiwas CEBUANO

baíwas v [C3] for two persons to fail to meet because one had left when the other arrived. Nagkabaíwas ta …

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balius CEBUANO

balíus v [C13; c3] pass one another going in di? erent directions. Nagkabalíus mi kay pag-abut nákù mu say íyang …

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bangday CEBUANO

bangday v [AB] be placed, place s.t. transversely across s.t. or pile up in criss-crossing fashion. Inig-abut níya mubanday dáyun …

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butting joint ENGLISH

A joint between two pieces of timber or wood, at the end of one or both, and either at right …

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dáan a {1} old, not new. Dáang sinínà, An old dress. Nga Túgun Old Testament. {2} the one before, previous. …

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dagkut CEBUANO

dagkut v [A; b6(1)] {1} light a flame, lamp, fire, etc. Dagkuti ang sigarilyu, Light the cigarette. Unsay ákung idagkut …

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danglas CEBUANO

danglas v {1} [A; a] clamber over, climb up on s.t. vertical. Dílì madanglas ang paril kay dangug, You cant …

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A pin, or block, of wood or metal, fitting into holes in the abutting portions of two pieces, and being …

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dubli a double, twice as much. Dubli ang báyad basta istranghíru, You pay double if youre a foreigner. u n …

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dusdus CEBUANO

dusdus v {1} [A; ab2] strike repeatedly with s.t. using a forward thrusting motion, usually said of a knife or …

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hangup CEBUANO

hangup v {1} [A2C; a12] embrace or greet with joy, esp. upon arriving. Muhangup ang bátà nákù inig-abut nákù sa …

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ígù a {1} enough, big enough. Ígù ba ang sapátus nímu? Are the shoes big enough for you? Ígù na …

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inggansa CEBUANO

inggansa v [A; c1] {1} shift gears. Mag-inggansa gánì ka tumbi ang klats, If you shift gears step on the …

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karsunis CEBUANO

karsúnis n {1} trousers. {2} = nag-, 1a. v {1} [A; a] wear, make into trousers. Mukarsúnis ka bag dáan? …

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