"Zymologic" is a word in ENGLISH

zymologic ENGLISH

Alt. of Zymological

Few words of positivity

There are too many things around us, preventing us from thinking well! To think well, sometimes we need a heavy fog!

Mehmet Murat ildan

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Frd, give me a sentence starting with "I." Fred: I is . . . Teacher: No, Fred. You must always say "I am." Fred: Oh, right. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.


virna lisa Definition: Tagalog slang (verb) got mad, got angry 2 Definition: (salitang balbal) nagalit

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pakilála - Causative of kilála—to be acquainted with, etc. Ipakilála mo sa íya si Fuláno. Introduce N.N. to him. Make …

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dunderpate ENGLISH

gubán - Decision. (cf. památbat).

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barium ENGLISH

One of the elements, belonging to the alkaline earth group; a metal having a silver-white color, and melting at a …

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Contradiction In Terms LAW AND LEGAL

A phrase of which the parts are expressly inconsistent, as, c. p., “an innocent murder;” “a fee simple for life.”

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set-off ENGLISH

That which is used to improve the appearance of anything; a decoration; an ornament.

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The act of opening the mouth convulsively to catch the breath; a labored respiration; a painful catching of the breath.

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kuuykuuy CEBUANO

kuuykuuy a feeble, trembling with weakness. v [B146] become trembly with weakness. Nagkuuykuuy siya sa katiguwangun, Hes shaking all the …

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course ENGLISH

The succession of one to another in office or duty; order; turn.

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sanguinary ENGLISH

Bloodthirsty; cruel; eager to shed blood.

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ánib ka- allies. Ang mga huk kaánib sa mga kumunista, The Huks are allies of the Communists. v [C2; c] …

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petuntse ENGLISH

Alt. of Petuntze

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floran ENGLISH

Tin ore scarcely perceptible in the stone; tin ore stamped very fine.

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stellary ENGLISH

Full of stars; starry; as, stellar regions.

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líbgus - See lígbus—A kind of edible mushroom.

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fungic ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or obtained from, mushrooms; as, fungic acid.

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arisgádo - (Sp. arriesgado—risky, daring) An adept at making money, accepting profitable contracts, taking part in enterprises that yield a …

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