"Zootomy" is a word in ENGLISH

zootomy ENGLISH

The dissection or the anatomy of animals; -- distinguished
from androtomy.

Few words of positivity

Choose to be great in your field of choice and work it out. Choose that your harvest will be abundant and strive for it. Choose to be a success and prepare for it. Choose to be a winner and fight for it. Success is a choice!

Israelmore Ayivor, Dream Big!: See Your Bigger Picture!

Laugh your heart out.

Police Chief: Why did you tie a rope on that criminal?Officer: You ordered me to get a line on the suspect.

adenotomy ENGLISH

Dissection of, or incision into, a gland or glands.

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anatomical ENGLISH

Of or relating to anatomy or dissection; as, the anatomic art; anatomical observations.

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anatomically ENGLISH

In an anatomical manner; by means of dissection.

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anatomist ENGLISH

One who is skilled in the art of anatomy, or dissection.

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anatomize ENGLISH

To dissect; to cut in pieces, as an animal vegetable body, for the purpose of displaying or examining the structure …

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anatomy ENGLISH

The art of dissecting, or artificially separating the different parts of any organized body, to discover their situation, structure, and …

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anatomy ENGLISH

A skeleton; anything anatomized or dissected, or which has the appearance of being so.

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andranatomy ENGLISH

The dissection of a human body, especially of a male; androtomy.

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androtomy ENGLISH

Dissection of the human body, as distinguished from zootomy; anthropotomy.

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angiotomy ENGLISH

Dissection of the blood vessels and lymphatics of the body.

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Pertaining to anthropotomy, or the dissection of human bodies.

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anthropotomy ENGLISH

The anatomy or dissection of the human body; androtomy.

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aponeurotomy ENGLISH

Dissection of aponeuroses.

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arteriotomy ENGLISH

That part of anatomy which treats of the dissection of the arteries.

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autopsy ENGLISH

Dissection of a dead body, for the purpose of ascertaining the cause, seat, or nature of a disease; a post-mortem …

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The dissection of a dead body for the puri>ose of inquiring into the cause of death. Pub. St. Mass. 1882, …

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bósbos - Operation, dissection, surgery; to dissect, cut open, operate upon, perform the caesarian operation. Bosbosá ang bátà sa kílid …

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bulusbusan HILIGAYNON

bulúsbúsan - Surgery, operation; operating room; person to be operated upon. (cf. búsbus—to cut open, dissect).

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To murder by suffocation, or so as to produce few marks of violence, for the purpose of obtaining a body …

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Burking-Burkism LAW AND LEGAL

Murder committed with the object of selling the cadaver for purposes of dissection, particularly and originally, by suffocating or strangling …

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