"Yugyug" is a word in ILOKANO, HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO

yugyug ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to beat (an egg or any mixture).


yúgyug - To shake, move, swing to and
fro. (cf. úyog).

yugyug CEBUANO

yugyug v [A; a12] shake back and forth or up and down in short, quick movements.
Yugyúga ang dúyan arun matúlug dáyun ang bátà, Rock the hammock so that the baby will soon sleep.
yúhu an expression of joy.
Hatágan diay tag búnus ni Sir!
We are going to get a bonus from the boss!

Few words of positivity

It is not that men become too intelligent for God,' says the Apologist, 'but rather they become too arrogant for intelligence.

Criss Jami

Laugh your heart out.

Which of the following lines will do a better job of frightening a man away?1) Get away or I'll call the police!!!2) I love you and want to marry you and have your children.


áhag v [A; a] {1} sift fine particles from coarser ones. Ahágun ku ang ginaling kapi, Ill sift the ground …

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áhas v [A12; c1] separate husked from unhusked rice. Ahása (iáhas) pag-alig-ig ang gilubuk, Separate the husked from the unhusked …

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alig-ig CEBUANO

alig-ig v [A; a] {1} separate coarse and fine grains by shaking them on a tray. A jerking motion is …

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alug-ug CEBUANO

alug-ug v [A; c] shake in short jerky motions. Gialug-ug níya sa butilya ang túbig, He sloshed the water around …

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Ang ákù gud, ug mahibaw-an unyà, The thing that Im worried about is if he finds out. Misyágit. Tíaw mu …

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arigengen ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to shake, tremble, quiver, shiver. Nagarigengen toy balay. This house shook.

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bága n embers. mukáug be a tough character (eat live embers). v {1} [AB; a2] make, become embers. Nabága (mibága) …

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baug a {1} for eggs to be addled or old. {2} for a house to be no good. Baug nga …

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bay-ug CEBUANO

bay-ug v [AB; a] {1} shake, rock s.t. Mubay-ug siya sa dúyan, magdung-ag pa, She rocks the cradle and still …

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bungul CEBUANO

bungul a {1} deaf. buta blind and deaf. Táwung buta bun-gul, A deaf and blind man. {2} for a musical …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to shake in order to collect the fish, shrimps, crabs, etc. caught in (the fagot). Binurak ko …

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dagdag CEBUANO

dagdag v {1} [B12; c1] fall, make s.t. fall from the place where it is growing. Uyúga ang punúan arun …

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dul-ay CEBUANO

dul-ay v [A; c] spit up, for a baby to vomit up excess food taken in. Ug iug-ug ang bátà, …

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dunger ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to shake the head forward and backwar. rapidly to nod rapidly and continuously. /MAI-/ to have the head …

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galù v [A; a1] shake, rock back and forth. Kinsay mugalù sa láta sa dáyis? Who will shake the can …

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gisung CEBUANO

gísung v {1} [A; a1] shake into consciousness. Gisúnga ang gwardiya arun magmata, Shake the guard so he will wake …

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gunggon ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to shake, to cause to quake, to rock. Saan mo nga gunggonen toy balay mi ta dinto marba. …

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gunggung CEBUANO

gunggung v [A; c1] broil small dried fish by putting them in a dish with embers and shaking the dish …

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hikluhiklu CEBUANO

hiklùhiklù v [AP; c1P] shake the head from side to side in em-barrassment upon asking s. o. for s.t. or …

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hikuhiku CEBUANO

hikùhíkù v [AP; c1P] {1} rock, shake with laughter, dancing. Naghikùhíkù siya pagkinatáwa, She rocked back and forth with laughter. …

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