"Yamayama" is a word in CEBUANO

yamayama CEBUANO

yamàyamà v {1} [A; c] talk without sense or factual basis.
Unsa na sad tung íyang giyamàyamà?
What k.
nonsense was he telling this time?
{2} [A1; b1] do work carelessly.
Íya lang giyamàyamaan ug tahì ang ákung sinínà maung naghíbat, She sewed my dress carelessly and so it is all crooked.
-un n one who does his work carelessly.

Few words of positivity

A wise and an understanding heart.


Laugh your heart out.

How did you do in your tests ?I did what George Washington did !What was that ?Went down in history !

akul-akul HILIGAYNON

akúl-akúl - Coarse, rough, badly done (of work); thoughtless, careless. (cf. dakúldakúl, dagóldagól).

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alunga-og HILIGAYNON

alunga-óg - Tasteless, stale, vapid, stagnant; not well done, underdone, insufficiently or badly cooked, performed carelessly or negligently. Alunga-óg nga …

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bául - Rough, not well made or done, botched, bungled, scamped; to do ——, make ——, perform ——, something—, act—, …

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bayat a {1} worn-out, dilapidated, esp. clothes. {2} poor in quality. {3} slovenly in dress. Bayat ang ákung pamisti run …

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dagúndun - Straight on, plain, without any special design (of weaving); to weave straight on, make plain cloth or simple …

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dakul-dakul HILIGAYNON

dakúl-dakúl - Careless, heedless, indifferent, inattentive, unmindful slovenly, hurried, negligent, routine, perfunctory, off hand, without proper care or attention; to …

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damagan CEBUANO

damagan a careless in doing ones work. Dì giyud magkadimáu ning íyang búhat kay damagan kaáyu, Her work is always …

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dangarag CEBUANO

dangarag v {1} [B46; b(1)] be careless, heedless, heedless of detail. Ug magdangarag kang mulabang sa karsáda, maligsan ka giyud, …

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dasngag CEBUANO

dasngag a careless, inattentive to what one is doing. v [B46; a] be careless and inattentive to ones work. Subra …

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halungkaka HILIGAYNON

halungkakâ - Loose, etc. See halúg, halugâ, halugakâ. Also: Half-hearted, careless, insincere, not with right good will. Halungkakâ gid lang …

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káag v [B6; c16] move in haste. Nakáag (mikáag) siya kay mibagting na ang alas syíti, She was in a …

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kamôkamô - Botched, bungled, not well done or made, badly wrought; to botch, bungle, do something badly or carelessly. Dílì …

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karákal - (B) Badly done, botched, bungled, clumsy, desultory, careless work. (cf. bástos, bául, patarásak).

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kara-kara HILIGAYNON

kará-kará - A hustler, driver, one who urges or impels others; to hustle, hurry, be very energetic, work with despatch, …

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karo-karo HILIGAYNON

karó-karó - To do something with great speed, to scamp work, perform in a hurry; hasty, careless (of work). Karó-karó …

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karótkot - To scratch or rub against a door (as cats and dogs do); to scamp work, perform carelessly, hurry, …

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lásak - To do or perform badly, bungle, make a mess of; to treat with scorn, despise; at random, haphazard. …

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lítad - To be absent-minded, attend to carelessly or negligently, shirk, leave, relinquish, evade, abandon (work, etc.). Indì ka maglítad …

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pataratas HILIGAYNON

patarátas - See patarásak. Ginpatarátas (Ginpatarásak) gid lang níla ang íla trabáho. They do their work very carelessly, in a …

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presentado HILIGAYNON

presentádo - (Sp. presentado) A person presented, introduced, presentee, one who presents himself. The phrase "Presentádo gáni piláhon” means; One …

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