"Yakoots" is a word in ENGLISH

yakoots ENGLISH

(Ethnol.) A nomadic Mongolian tribe native of Northern
Siberia, and supposed to be of Turkish stock. They are mainly pastoral
in their habits.

Few words of positivity

Just because you will not see the work completed does not mean you are free not to take it up.

Greg Iles, Turning Angel

Laugh your heart out.

A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of international capitals. She proudly said, "Go ahead and quiz me. I know all of them!" Her friend said, "O.K. then, what's the capital of France?" The blonde replied, "Oh, that's so easy! F."

hurons ENGLISH

; sing. Huron. (Ethnol.) A powerful and warlike tribe of North American Indians of the Algonquin stock. They formerly occupied …

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mandingos ENGLISH

; sing. Mandingo. (Ethnol.) An extensive and powerful tribe of West African negroes.

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scythian ENGLISH

A native or inhabitant of Scythia; specifically (Ethnol.), one of a Slavonic race which in early times occupied Eastern Europe.

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tasmanian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Tasmania, or Van Diemen's Land. -- n. A native or inhabitant of Tasmania; specifically (Ethnol.), in …

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xanthous ENGLISH

Yellow; specifically (Ethnol.), of or pertaining to those races of man which have yellowish, red, auburn, or brown hair.

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