"Ya Yuba Agos" is a word in CHAVACANO

ya yuba agos CHAVACANO

English: swept away
Tagalog: naagos

Few words of positivity

You groan and shake your head, Sixsmith, I know, but you smile too, which is why I love you.

David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

Laugh your heart out.

What country do cows love to visit? Moo Zealand!


lánog - Report, news, rumour; sound. May lánog nga gíkan sa Manílà nga——. There is a report in from Manila …

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shatter ENGLISH

To break at once into many pieces; to dash, burst, or part violently into fragments; to rend into splinters; as, …

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sleeve ENGLISH

A tubular part made to cover, sustain, or steady another part, or to form a connection between two parts.

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Iu Saxon law. Tenants who were bound to supply drink for their lord’s table. Cowell

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tulnug ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ obedient, dutiful, submissive.

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effervesce ENGLISH

To be in a state of natural ebullition; to bubble and hiss, as fermenting liquors, or any fluid, when some …

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íhì - Urine, pee; to urinate, make water, pass water, pea. Ang bátà nagíhì sa baníg. The baby peed on …

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unsound ENGLISH

Not sound; not whole; not solid; defective; infirm; diseased.

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appall ENGLISH

The ground ivy (Nepeta Glechoma); -- called also gill over the ground, and other like names.

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effectualness ENGLISH

The quality of being effectual.

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typify ENGLISH

To represent by an image, form, model, or resemblance.

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balaisán - Controversy, difference; something that is to be debated or discussed; debatable, disputable, open to question, subject to contention …

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fulgurate ENGLISH

To flash as lightning.

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exception ENGLISH

An objection; cavil; dissent; disapprobation; offense; cause of offense; -- usually followed by to or against.

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pronely ENGLISH

In a prone manner or position.

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trámpas - Very frank, open, straightforward, outspoken, not mincing words, calling a spade a spade. (trángkas id.).

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Terminating in a very fine, sharp point, as some leaves.

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