"Writ De Bono Et Malo" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Writ De Bono Et Malo LAW AND LEGAL

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Few words of positivity

People say they miss the deceased. I missed my father and my mother when they were still fully alive. They travelled through my childhood in the same way they moved around the hotel: my mother industrious, hurried, hidden; my father drunk, flamboyant, alone.

Sylvia Kristel, Undressing Emmanuelle: A Life Stripped Bare

Laugh your heart out.

Why should you use six hooks on your fishing line? eFISHancy!

magtiayon HILIGAYNON

magtiáyon - Husband and wife, living together in the same household. Ang mga magtiáyon. Those living together as husband and …

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sayásat - To comprehend, understand, know, grasp. Walâ siá makasayásat sang ginsilíng ko sa íya. He could not understand what …

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sanctify ENGLISH

To make sacred or holy; to set apart to a holy or religious use; to consecrate by appropriate rites; to …

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To lay open, as a purpose; to disclose, divulge, or communicate.

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A child's pinafore.

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corruptive ENGLISH

Having the quality of taining or vitiating; tending to produce corruption.

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kunsirtu CEBUANO

kunsirtu = kunsiyirtu.

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domicile ENGLISH

To establish in a fixed residence, or a residence that constitutes habitancy; to domiciliate.

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Horny on one side and calcareous on the other.

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peculiar ENGLISH

That which is peculiar; a sole or exclusive property; a prerogative; a characteristic.

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libang CEBUANO

libang n activities or chores to keep one busy. Dì ku makaati-man niánà kay daghan kug libang sa panimalay, I …

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lady's finger ENGLISH

The kidney vetch.

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A whole piece of linen cloth as woven.

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A strange thing or person.

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sparadrap ENGLISH

Any adhesive plaster.

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A class of claret wines, including several varieties, from the district of Medoc in the department of Gironde.

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fateful ENGLISH

Having the power of serving or accomplishing fate.

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English: a barangay chieftain Tagalog: datu

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batubalani TAGALOG

batubalani Definition: (noun) magnet

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