"Wigun" is a word in CEBUANO


wígun n station wagon.
v [A; a] ride a station wagon.
istisyun = wígun.

Few words of positivity

I hated the flashcards and I hated the multiplication tables, but I did enjoy the fact that my dad took time out of his schedule to help me in the areas in which I needed it.

Sara Dormon, So You Want to Adopt...Now What?: A Practical Guide for Navigating the Adoption Process

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?A: An Impasta.


Neat; tidy; proper.

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laping CEBUANO

laping v [A23; c1] graze s.t. but not hit it squarely. Swirti kay milaping lang níya ang batu, Fortunately the …

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recipe ENGLISH

A formulary or prescription for making some combination, mixture, or preparation of materials; a receipt; especially, a prescription for medicine.

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flashing ENGLISH

A mode of covering transparent white glass with a film of colored glass.

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Incommutable LAW AND LEGAL

Not capable of or entitled to be commuted. See Commutation

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stancher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, stanches, or stops, the flowing, as of blood.

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impeachment ENGLISH

Hindrance; impediment; obstruction.

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black friar ENGLISH

A friar of the Dominican order; -- called also predicant and preaching friar; in France, Jacobin. Also, sometimes, a Benedictine.

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A European bird of the Crow family (Corvus monedula), often nesting in church towers and ruins; a jackdaw.

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gírok - (B) Chaff, paleae, fine prickles on grass, etc. See gílok.

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exauctorate ENGLISH

See Exauthorate.

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nightmare ENGLISH

Hence, any overwhelming, oppressive, or stupefying influence.

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bunghug CEBUANO

bunghug v [A; b6(1)] tell malicious things about s. o. to s. o. else with a purpose. May nagbunghug nákung …

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búyò - A parcel or bundle of flax, wool, cotton, etc. put on a distaff for spinning; to bundle, make …

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lambunit CEBUANO

lambúnit v [C] fight with one another to get s.t. Naglambúnit ang babáyi ug ang mangangagaw sa bág, The woman …

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