"Whittling" is a word in ENGLISH

whittling ENGLISH

of Whittle

Few words of positivity

The walls were lined with books, many of them in foreign languages, like insulation against the immediate present.

Ross Macdonald

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor, Father Christmas gives us oranges every Christmas. Now I think I'm turning into an orange!Have you tried playing squash?


gamáy - To become or make small, thin, slender, fine, delicate, little, tiny, slim, to thin, pare down, whittle. Naggamáy …

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gótgot - To notch, nick, mark, whittle, incise, grave, groove, flute, blaze (a tree), snick. Gotgotí ang lápis mo kag …

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hanús - (B) Thin, slender, tenuous; to be or make thin, tenuous, slender, to whittle down, pare down. Naghanús ang …

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hudhud CEBUANO

hudhud v [A; c] scrape o? , chip, uproot s.t. shallow by pushing it with a knife or some instrument. …

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ígut v [A; b] scrape s.t. by rubbing a knife which has been fixed into s.t. immovable up and down …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-AN/ to whittle.

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kayuskus ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to sweep together, gather. Kayuskusem amin nga nagkayasan. Gather all the whittlings. KAYYANAK [cf. ANAK], adj. newly born. …

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lagilhi CEBUANO

lagilhi v [A; b] smooth sticks by scraping or whittling o? unnec-essary edges. Siyay milagilhi sa kawáyang igsalálug, He smoothed …

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palung CEBUANO

palung v {1} [A; b] whittle the end of s.t. to make it taper or smooth it. Gipalungan níya ang …

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patay v [A; b7] {1} kill, slay. Dì makapatay ning sakíta nímu, This sickness wont kill you. Patyun ku siya, …

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thwite ENGLISH

To cut or clip with a knife; to whittle.

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thwittle ENGLISH

A small knife; a whittle.

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thwittle ENGLISH

To cut or whittle.

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whittle ENGLISH

To cut or shape a piece of wood with am small knife; to cut up a piece of wood with …

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whittle ENGLISH

A grayish, coarse double blanket worn by countrywomen, in the west of England, over the shoulders, like a cloak or …

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whittle ENGLISH

To pare or cut off the surface of with a small knife; to cut or shape, as a piece of …

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whittle ENGLISH

A knife; esp., a pocket, sheath, or clasp knife.

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whittle ENGLISH

Same as Whittle shawl, below.

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whittle ENGLISH

To edge; to sharpen; to render eager or excited; esp., to excite with liquor; to inebriate.

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