"Whistlingly" is a word in ENGLISH

whistlingly ENGLISH

In a whistling manner; shrilly.

Few words of positivity

There was no arguing with a man's faith in the legends of his childhood.

Steven Saylor, Rogues

Laugh your heart out.

If it took six pigs two hours to eat the apples in the orchard, how many hours would it take three pigs? None, because the six pigs have already eaten them all.

balikwaut CEBUANO

balikwaut a lacking in grace, balance, euphony. Balikwaut pam-ináwun ang litiral kaáyung pagkahúbad, A literal translation lacks euphony. v [B6; …

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bantútut - A toy-whistle, made of the leaflets of the coconut palm, or the like. (cf. tarútut, turútud, turútuk).

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birdcall ENGLISH

An instrument of any kind, as a whistle, used in making the sound of a birdcall.

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The act of forcing air from the mouth, or through or from some instrument; as, to give a hard blow …

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bosína - (Sp. bocina) Fog-horn, horn, trumpet, hoot, toot, whistle, loud warning signal; to toot, hoot, blow the whistle, sound …

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budyung CEBUANO

budyung n {1} helmet shells, conchs, or any large univalve with a pointed caudal apex. {2} horn for signaling made …

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A whistle or pipe, used by the boatswain and his mate, to summon the sailors to duty.

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calliope ENGLISH

A musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles, toned to the notes of the scale, and played by …

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Any small decorative object worn on the person, as a seal, a key, a silver whistle, or the like. Bunches …

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A peculiar whistling sound made by the Australian aborigenes as a call or signal.

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dagánas - Murmur, babble, purl, the noise of rushing water; to murmur, rush, babble, purl, run by noisily (of water); …

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The European wild or whistling swan (Cygnus ferus).

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To play, whistle, or sing with a clear, soft note, like that of a flute.

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hadiyung CEBUANO

hadiyung n whizzing, whistling, buzzing sound. v [A; b2cP] whistle or whiz by. Hángin nga naghadiyung, Whistling wind. Naghadiyung ang …

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hagiyung CEBUANO

hagiyung, hagíyung n whizzing, whistling, buzzing sound. v [A] make such a sound.

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hagiyus CEBUANO

hagíyus n a whistling, sibilant, swishing sound produced by a rapidly moving object. Ang hagíyus sa bála, The whizzing of …

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hagúnus - The howling, noisy blowing of wind; to blow, howl, whistle, shriek, scream, screech (of wind). May hagúnus sang …

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hooper ENGLISH

The European whistling, or wild, swan (Olor cygnus); -- called also hooper swan, whooping swan, and elk.

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hulding CEBUANO

hulding a holding in volleyball. Hulding kaáyu siyang mutús sa búla, He holds a lot when he hits the ball. …

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huní - Humming, chirping, singing, warbling; to hum, chirp, chirm, chirrup, cheep, chirk, murmur, drone, sough, warble, carol, sing (of …

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