"Whether" is a word in ENGLISH

whether ENGLISH

Which (of two); which one (of two); -- used
interrogatively and relatively.

whether ENGLISH

In case; if; -- used to introduce the first or two or
more alternative clauses, the other or others being connected by or, or
by or whether. When the second of two alternatives is the simple
negative of the first it is sometimes only indicated by the particle
not or no after the correlative, and sometimes it is omitted entirely
as being distinctly implied in the whether of the first.

Few words of positivity

To say yes you have to sweat and roll up your sleeves and plunge both hands into life up to the elbows. It is easy to say no even if saying no means death.

Jean Anouilh

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How can you tell if a blonde works in an office?A: A bed in the stockroom and huge smiles on all the bosses' faces.

amakan CEBUANO

amákan n bamboo matting woven with a k. o. twill weave, com-monly used for walling. The weft is passed over …

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anapest ENGLISH

A metrical foot consisting of three syllables, the first two short, or unaccented, the last long, or accented (/ / …

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ángkat - (B) Buying on credit,—on account,—on tick; to obtain on credit, to buy on account. Angkatí akó sing duhá …

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antecedent ENGLISH

The first of the two propositions which constitute an enthymeme or contracted syllogism; as, Every man is mortal; therefore the …

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antecedent ENGLISH

The first of the two terms of a ratio; the first or third of the four terms of a proportion. …

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antibacchius ENGLISH

A foot of three syllables, the first two long, and the last short (#).

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apposition ENGLISH

The state of two nouns or pronouns, put in the same case, without a connecting word between them; as, I …

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arsenic ENGLISH

One of the elements, a solid substance resembling a metal in its physical properties, but in its chemical relations ranking …

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A Roman copper coin, originally of a pound weight (12 oz.); but reduced, after the first Punic war, to two …

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asclepiad ENGLISH

A choriambic verse, first used by the Greek poet Asclepias, consisting of four feet, viz., a spondee, two choriambi, and …

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áway v [AC; a12b3] quarrel, fight. Awáyun ta ka run, I will quar-rel with you. Ug dì madalag sulti, átù …

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bahù a {1} odorous, ill-smelling. Limpiyúhi ang kasilyas kay bahù kaáyu, Clean the toilet because it stinks. {2} having been …

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baraha CEBUANO

baráha n playing card. bistu ang it is clear what you (he, etc. ) has up his sleeve. nga dunut …

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baroko ENGLISH

A form or mode of syllogism of which the first proposition is a universal affirmative, and the other two are …

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biennial ENGLISH

Continuing for two years, and then perishing, as plants which form roots and leaves the first year, and produce fruit …

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An ancient coin, first issued at Coustantino-ple; it was of two sorts,—gold, equivalent to a ducat, valued at 9s. 6d.; …

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bítuk n roundworm in the digestive tract. May bítuk nang batáa kay dakug tiyan, That child has worms because he …

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caesium ENGLISH

A rare alkaline metal found in mineral water; -- so called from the two characteristic blue lines in its spectrum. …

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ceratodus ENGLISH

A genus of ganoid fishes, of the order Dipnoi, first known as Mesozoic fossil fishes; but recently two living species …

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clavicle ENGLISH

The collar bone, which is joined at one end to the scapula, or shoulder blade, and at the other to …

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