"Whene'er" is a word in ENGLISH

whene'er ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.

Dalai Lama XIV

Laugh your heart out.

Introductory Chemistry was taught at Duke University for many years by professor Bonk. One year, two guys took the class and did pretty well on all the quizzes and mid-terms--so much so that going into the final, they each had a solid A. These two friends were so confident going into the final that the weekend before finals week, despite the Chemistry final being on Monday, they decided to go to the Uuniversity of Virginina to party with some friends.They did this and had a great time. However, with their hangovers and tiredness, they overslept all day Sunday and didn't make it back to Duke until early Monday morning. Rather than taking the final then, they found professor Bonk after the final and explained to him how they missed the final. They told him they went up to the University of Virgina for the weekend and had planned to come back in time to study, but they had a flat tire on the way back and didn't have a spare. They couldn't fix it for a long time and were late getting back to campus.Bonk thought this over and agreed that they could take the final the following day. The two guys, elated and relieved, studied that night and went in the next day at the time that Bonk had told them. He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet. He told them to begin.They looked at the first problem which was something simple about molarity and solutions; it was worth 5 points. "Cool," they thought, "this is going to be an easy final". They then turned the page. They were unprepared, however, for what they saw on it. The question contained only two words: (95 points) Which tire?


In the law of estates. Expectation; waiting; suspense; remembrance and contemplation in law. where there ls no person ln existence …

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In Roman law. The term in-cluded “all the cognates who trace thelr connection exclusively through males. A table of cognates …

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v. /-UM-/ to feel strongly, be affected or attacked by (illness, emotional distress, etc.). No malagip ko ni nanang ko, …

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The chief law officer of the state, empowered to act in all litigation in which the law-executing power is a …

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A large fish, called by Black-stone a “whale.” of thls the king had the head and the queen the tail …

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bugnaw CEBUANO

bugnaw a {1} cold or cool to the touch. Bugnaw nga imnun, Cool if you drink it. Bugnaw nga panahun, …

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A condition of the score beginning whenever each side has won three strokes in the same game (also reckoned \"40 …

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Dilapidation LAW AND LEGAL

A st>ecles of ecclesiastical waste which occurs whenever the Incumbent suffers any edifices of hls ecclesiastical living to go to …

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dóhol - To pass, reach, tender, offer, hand, give into another’s hand (from some considerable distance or whenever the receiver …

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Out of the neighborhood of; lessening or losing proximity to; leaving behind; by reason of; out of; by aid of; …

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gastu v {1} [A2; a] spend money. Nakagastu silag dakù sa dispidída, They spent a large amount of money for …

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gihápon - (H) Ever, constantly, always, evermore, continually, perpetually, at all times or hours. Ari kamí sa maáyo nga láwas …

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Habeas Cobpus LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. (You have the body.) The name given to a variety of writs, (of which these were anciently the em-phatlc …

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hydrophobia ENGLISH

The disease caused by a bite form, or inoculation with the saliva of, a rabid creature, of which the chief …

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A general failure of issue, whenever it may happen, without fixing a time, or certain or definite period, within which …

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ka - A particle employed to connect a cardinal or ordinal numeral with a noun or with another numeral. "Ka” …

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kanal n {1} ditch. {2} the grooves on the sides of a bowling alley. v {1} [A; b6(1)] dig a …

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kapag Definition: (conj/adv.) if, when, in case, whenever (single events viewed as completed in the future) 2 Definition: (var) pag, …

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katul a {1} itchy. Katul ákung kamut. Kwarta na, My hands are itching. I must be due to get some …

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A small anchor used whenever a large one can be dispensed witch. See Kedge, v. t., and Anchor, n.

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