"Webbed" is a word in ENGLISH

webbed ENGLISH

Provided with a web.

webbed ENGLISH

of Web

webbed ENGLISH

Having the toes united by a membrane, or web; as, the
webbed feet of aquatic fowls.

Few words of positivity

Leadership is a privilege to serve and make a difference. Take care of what belongs to another as if it were your own. Be accountable to others or to another because you realize you are not a master. Be considerate of those you serve because they, not you, perceive the difference you are or you are not making, in their lives.

Archibald Marwizi, Making Success Deliberate

Laugh your heart out.

After wedding a young couple rented a town house in a large complex. Concerned about a leak in an upstairs bathroom, young woman called the manager several times, but nothing happened. Finally her husband reached the manager and, noting the seriousness of the problem, said, " My wife is afraid the bathtub will fall through the kitchen." "Oh, no," the manager quickly replied. "The bathtub falls through the living room."

thread ENGLISH

To pass a thread through the eye of; as, to thread a needle.

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malí - Excuse, pretence, appearance, makebelieve, trap; to put forward (as a pretext, etc.). (cf. pasúnì, balíbad).

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expert ENGLISH

An expert or experienced person; one instructed by experience; one who has skill, experience, or extensive knowledge in his calling …

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zoonic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to animals; obtained from animal substances.

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hydraemia ENGLISH

An abnormally watery state of the blood; anaemia.

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peppering ENGLISH

Hot; pungent; peppery.

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yagayaga CEBUANO

yagàyagà v {1} [A; b6(1)] ridicule, make fun of s. o. Isumbung sa maistra ang muyagàyagà sa bakul ninyung klasmit, …

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lúsad - To dismount, alight, step out of, or off, a vehicle, to disembark, get out, get off, land, get …

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A mark, thus [/ or /], connecting notes that are to be sung to the same syllable, or made in …

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An audience; a hearing.

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Fig.: To impress; to imprint; to fix deeply; as, to stamp virtuous principles on the heart.

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Consumption; phthisis. See Phthisis.

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diyusisis CEBUANO

diyusísis n diocese.

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Hence, the emblem of judicial vengeance or punishment, or of authority and power.

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orbulina ENGLISH

A genus of minute living Foraminifera having a globular shell.

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evener ENGLISH

In vehicles, a swinging crossbar, to the ends of which other crossbars, or whiffletrees, are hung, to equalize the draught …

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horseshoer ENGLISH

One who shoes horses.

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kalunsing CEBUANO

kalunsing = lunsing.

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