"Wasa" is a word in CEBUANO


wása (from asáwaslang) n wife.


wasa hi- = aliwása.
wasawasa, wasawása v [A1; c16] scatter, strew all about, not over a large area.
Asúkar nga nawasawasa na sa yútà, Sugar scattered all over the ground.

Few words of positivity

You can't really move forward until you look back.[From Remaking America panel discussion at George Washington University]

Cornel West

Laugh your heart out.

A priest and a rabbi operated a church and a synagogueacross the street from each other. Since their schedulesintertwined, they decided to go in together to buy a car.So they did. They drove it home and parked it in thestreet between their establishments. A few minutes later, the rabbi looked out and saw thepriest sprinkling water on their new car. It didn't needa wash, so he ran out and asked the priest what he wasdoing. "I'm blessing it" the priest replied.The rabbi replied "Oh," then he ran back into the synagogue.He reappeared a few minutes later with a hack saw, ran to thecar and cut off the last 2 inches of the tailpipe.

paperweight ENGLISH

See under Paper, n.

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regard ENGLISH

To take into consideration; to take account of, as a fact or condition.

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pituitary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the pituitary body; as, the pituitary fossa.

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stagworm ENGLISH

The larve of any species of botfly which is parasitic upon the stag, as /strus, or Hypoderma, actaeon, which burrows …

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pulyitu CEBUANO

pulyitu, pulyítus n leaflet, handbill.

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gamlù = gam-ul.

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miliaria ENGLISH

A fever accompanied by an eruption of small, isolated, red pimples, resembling a millet seed in form or size; miliary …

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To swell or hang down like a full bag; as, the skin bags from containing morbid matter.

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Of or pertaining to the Muses, or to Poetry.

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A parcel consisting of two or more skeins of yarn or thread tied together.

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sanguinolent ENGLISH

Tinged or mingled with blood; bloody; as, sanguinolent sputa.

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bonnily ENGLISH

Gayly; handsomely.

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The refuse whale blubber, used as a manure, and in the manufacture of Prussian blue.

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In English law. A court for the trial of cases of treason and felony. The commis-sloners of assise and nisi …

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Having leaves of more than one shape on the same plant.

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emissivity ENGLISH

Tendency to emission; comparative facility of emission, or rate at which emission takes place, as of heat from the surface …

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obstinacy ENGLISH

The quality or state of being difficult to remedy, relieve, or subdue; as, the obstinacy of a disease or evil.

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chariotee ENGLISH

A light, covered, four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two seats.

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