"Warned" is a word in ENGLISH

warned ENGLISH

of Warn

Few words of positivity

Find the time everyday, to express what is in your heart. Life affirming choices that lift you up. Everyday,allow your your soul to express its joy at the gift of life. Create, laugh, dance, play, spend time in nature, connect with the Divine, whatever it is, take even a small amount of time to do the things your soul longs to do.

Eileen Anglin

Laugh your heart out.

How do you annoy your girlfriend during sex? Phone her.

adberti, adbertir HILIGAYNON

adbertí, adbertír - (Sp. advertir) To advise, give warning, instruct, give notice, call attention to. Adbertihá siá sinâ. Bring it …

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adhortatory ENGLISH

Containing counsel or warning; hortatory; advisory.

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admonish ENGLISH

To warn or notify of a fault; to reprove gently or kindly, but seriously; to exhort.

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admonish ENGLISH

To counsel against wrong practices; to cation or advise; to warn against danger or an offense; -- followed by of, …

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admonition ENGLISH

Gentle or friendly reproof; counseling against a fault or error; expression of authoritative advice; friendly caution or warning.

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Admonition LAW AND LEGAL

In ecclesiastical law, this is the lightest form of punishment, con-slstlng in a reprimand and warning adinin-lstered by the judge …

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Admonitio Trina LAW AND LEGAL

A triple or threefold warning, given, in old times, to a prisoner standing mute, before he was subjected to the …

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admonitory ENGLISH

That conveys admonition; warning or reproving; as, an admonitory glance.

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Adversary Proceeding LAW AND LEGAL

A proceeding of two opposing parties, as opposed to an ex parte proceeding with one party. One having opposing parties; …

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advertise ENGLISH

To give notice to; to inform or apprise; to notify; to make known; hence, to warn; -- often followed by …

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advertisement ENGLISH

Admonition; advice; warning.

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advise ENGLISH

To give advice to; to offer an opinion, as worthy or expedient to be followed; to counsel; to warn.

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álam - (H) Knowledge, wisdom, learning; to be or become wise, learned, to know. Walâ siá sing álam. He has …

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Any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warning sound to arouse attention; a warning of …

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alarma CEBUANO

alarma (not without l) n {1} alarm, sound notifying danger. {2} report of danger. May alarma nga náay púga, There …

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An alarm from a real or threatened attack; a sudden attack; also, a bugle sound to give warning.

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animadversion ENGLISH

Monition; warning.

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To counsel, advise, warn, or direct.

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babala TAGALOG

babala Definition: (noun) notice, sign, warning

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