"Wantid" is a word in CEBUANO

wantid CEBUANO

wantid n {1} needed for employment.
Wantid kaáyu ang tra-bahadur sa kunstruksiyun, They need a lot of workers on the construction.
{1a} want ad.
{2} one wanted for a crime.
v {1} [A3; a1] be in need of an employee.
Kinsa kahay nagwantid ug tindíra?
Where was it they were needing a salesgirl?
{2} [B126; a1] become wanted for a crime.

Few words of positivity

It kind of sounds pretentious, but a film I find deeply romantic is 'Buffalo '66,' which is a film by Vincent Gallo. It's about how you break down all those barriers and expose yourself and open yourself up to ultimately being hurt.

Jim Sturgess

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Bargain !Bargain who ?Bargain up the wrong tree !


abúnu n {1} fertilizer. {2} transfusion or infusion. Nagkina-hanglan siyag abúnu kay gisulgan sa dugù, He needs a transfu-sion because …

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alut v [AC2; b(1)] {1} shave the head. {2} cut hair. Aluti ku, Cut my hair. {3} [A; b7] eat …

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antus v [A; a1] {1} endure, stand. Mag-antus arun masantus, Endure if you are to become a saint. Makaantus ka …

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ápas v {1} [A2; a12b2] follow and catch up with. Muápas níya ang íyang asáwa sa Rúma, His wife will …

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atinsiyun CEBUANO

atinsiyun n {1} attention, special care. Nagkinahanglan ug atin-siyun ang masakitun, The patient needs special attention. {2} attention! Atinsiyun mga …

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atubang CEBUANO

atubang v {1} [A; c1] face towards. Sígi ka lang nag-atubang sa ispíhu, Youre always looking at yourself in (lit. …

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bantay CEBUANO

bantay v [A; b(1)] {1} watch s.t. , keep watch over. Wà siyay ági, nagbantay lang sa úras, He doesnt …

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bikil v {1} [A; c1] nudge, move s.t. out of its position. Kinsay nagbikil sa kwadru nga naharag man? Who …

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bungkal CEBUANO

bungkal v {1} [A; ab2] dig up the surface of the earth. Dílì kinahanglan bungkálun ning yutáa kay húmuk, This …

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dala v {1} [A; a2] take, bring, carry. Magdala ba kug rigálu ngadtu? Shall I bring presents there? Bug-at na …

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dalagan CEBUANO

dalágan v {1} [A2S; ab3c] for a person to run. Midágan siya kay nahadluk, He ran away because he was …

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daug v {1} [A2; a12] outdo, overcome s. o. Dì giyud ka makadaug níya, You can never beat him. Gidaug …

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dilihensiya TAGALOG

dilihensiya Active Verb: magdilihensiya Passive Verb: dilihensiyahin Definition: (verb) to resort to borrowing; to obtain what one needs Examples: 1) …

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dilikadu CEBUANO

dilikádu a {1} perilous, in danger. Dilikádu ang íyang kahim-tang. Háyan mamatay, His condition is serious. He will prob-ably die. …

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dimirit CEBUANO

dimírit n demerit in military training. v {1} [A; b(1)] give de-merits. Mudimírit ang kumandanti ug walay tupi ang kadíti, …

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dumdum CEBUANO

dumdum v {1} [A; a12] go to a specific place for a purpose. Nag-dumdum ku sa maisan ug naunsa na, …

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duyduy CEBUANO

duydúy v {1} [A13; b6] go from place to place to look for s. o. or s.t. very much needed. …

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galam v [A; a12] {1} take care of, attend to the needs of s. o. Gigám ang mabdus sa duktur, …

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gána n {1} appetite for eating. Kining midisináha makaáyu sa gána, This medicine helps ones appetite. {2} desire, feel like …

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gubana CEBUANO

gubana = gwayabanu. gúbat n {1} war. {2} trivial matter talked about in a conversa-tion that is supposed to be …

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