"Wantage" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


In marlne insurance. Ul-lage; deficiency in the contents of a cask or vessel caused by leaking. Cory v. Boyl-ston Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 107 Mass. 140, 0 Am. Rep. 14

wantage ENGLISH

That which is wanting; deficiency.

Few words of positivity

Are you sure this isn't a nightmare? And that we won't just wake up?Yes.Because dreamers always wake up and leave their monsters behind.

Alexandra Bracken, In The Afterlight

Laugh your heart out.

What kind of fish will help you hear better ? A herring aid !


To diminish; to reduce. Legacies are liable to be abated entirely or in proportion, upon a deficiency of assets.

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acephalous ENGLISH

Deficient and the beginning, as a line of poetry.

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acholia ENGLISH

Deficiency or want of bile.

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adul a mentally deficient. Dì giyud kasabut ang adul bísag un-sáug isplikar, No matter how you explain it to the …

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albino ENGLISH

A person, whether negro, Indian, or white, in whom by some defect of organization the substance which gives color to …

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by supplying deficiencies;

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anaemia ENGLISH

A morbid condition in which the blood is deficient in quality or in quantity.

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angkub CEBUANO

angkub n a covering over the opening of a small boat, the ana-logue of a deck on large boats. v …

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In medical jurisprudence, want of breath; difficulty in breathing; partial or temporary suspension of resplra-tion; specifically, such difficulty of resplra-tion' …

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appendix ENGLISH

Any literary matter added to a book, but not necessarily essential to its completeness, and thus distinguished from supplement, which …

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autoplasty ENGLISH

The process of artificially repairing lesions by taking a piece of healthy tissue, as from a neighboring part, to supply …

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blockhead ENGLISH

A stupid fellow; a dolt; a person deficient in understanding.

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blockish ENGLISH

Like a block; deficient in understanding; stupid; dull.

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That which is given to make an exchange equal, or to make up for the deficiency of value in one …

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brunonian ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or invented by, Brown; -- a term applied to a system of medicine promulgated in the 18th century …

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cold-blooded ENGLISH

Deficient in sensibility or feeling; hard-hearted.

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complement ENGLISH

That which is required to supply a deficiency, or to complete a symmetrical whole.

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complemental ENGLISH

Supplying, or tending to supply, a deficiency; fully completing.

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complete ENGLISH

Filled up; with no part or element lacking; free from deficiency; entire; perfect; consummate.

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complete ENGLISH

To bring to a state in which there is no deficiency; to perfect; to consummate; to accomplish; to fulfill; to …

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