"Walet" is a word in TAGALOG


Definition: (noun) wallet
Notes: English

Few words of positivity

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind that I am of what is true.

Robert Brault

Laugh your heart out.

I think I hear burglars, dear. Are you awake? No!

impact ENGLISH

To drive close; to press firmly together: to wedge into a place.

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kilisiw CEBUANO

kilísiw = kulísiw.

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echauguette ENGLISH

A small chamber or place of protection for a sentinel, usually in the form of a projecting turret, or the …

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A llquid measure, containing 231 cublc Inches, or four qunrts. The im-perial gallon contalns about 277, and the ale gallon …

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reenthrone ENGLISH

To enthrone again; to replace on a throne.

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unsaddle ENGLISH

To strip of a saddle; to take the saddle from, as a horse.

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malagay WARAY
commissary ENGLISH

One to whom is committed some charge, duty, or office, by a superior power; a commissioner.

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tándog - To touch, feel, handle, come in contact with, make an impression upon. Indì ka magtándog sa ákon. Indì …

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reason ENGLISH

Ratio; proportion.

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organzine ENGLISH

A kind of double thrown silk of very fine texture, that is, silk twisted like a rope with different strands, …

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everyday ENGLISH

Used or fit for every day; common; usual; as, an everyday suit or clothes.

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resistant ENGLISH

Making resistance; resisting.

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Hereditaments LAW AND LEGAL

Things capable of being inherited, he it corporeal or incorpo-real. real, personal, or mixed, and inclnding not only lands and …

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gladeye ENGLISH

The European yellow-hammer.

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pagkatao TAGALOG

pagkatao Definition: (noun) upbringing

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pasanghid HILIGAYNON

pasánghid - To test by, compare with, liken to; to have examined, tested. Pasanghirá ang platéro sang ímo buláwan, agúd …

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Lower by a semitone; flat; as, E molle, that is, E flat.

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emulsive ENGLISH

Softening; milklike.

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talo1 Definition: (adj) defeated; beaten; surpassed

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