"Wailing" is a word in ENGLISH

wailing ENGLISH

of Wail

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v. /AG-/ to moan, wail, whine (because of pain or hardship); to complain. Agagal maipanggep ti kangina ti magatgatang. He …

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agunguy CEBUANO

agúnguy n prolonged wail of grief or pain, any wailing-like sound. Agúnguy sa ambulansiya, The wail of the ambulance. v …

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anug-ug ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to weep, wail, sob. --syn. IBIT, SANGIT. ANUNSIO [f. Sp.], n. advertisement, announcement.

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bákhò - Grief, sorrow, lament, lamentation, wail, complaint, plaint, groan, moan, sigh; to sigh, groan, moan, lament, grieve, wail, complain, …

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banshie ENGLISH

A supernatural being supposed by the Irish and Scotch peasantry to warn a family of the speedy death of one …

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bewail ENGLISH

To express deep sorrow for, as by wailing; to lament; to wail over.

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bewailing ENGLISH

Wailing over; lamenting.

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Communis Paries LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil law. A common or party wail. Dig. 8, 2, 8, 13

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danguynguy CEBUANO

danguynguy v [A; b3c1] wail, cry with deep sorrow. Gidanguyn-gúyan níya ang ámung panagbúlag, She wept profusely because we broke …

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dudgo WARAY

Dudgo - to wail because of extreme pain

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dúhoy - A gentle breeze, puff, whiff, zephyr; sigh, suspiration, wail, plaint, moan; to blow gently, to sigh, sough, moan, …

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dung-aw ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to wail, lament, mourn aloud which may include singing a dirge. /-AN/ to lament for (someone or something).

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ejulation ENGLISH

A wailing; lamentation.

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gánì {1} even. Wà gánì kuy písu, I dont even have a peso. Man- limbung gánì siya sa kaugalíngun níyang …

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hákroy - Used mostly in the compound form panghákroy, panhákroy—to moan, complain, sigh, heave a sigh, groan, wail, bewail, mourn, …

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háyhay - To sigh, mourn, utter a plaint, wail, fret, sob. (cf. bákhò).

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holo-holo HILIGAYNON

holó-holó - To wail, moan, complain, sigh. (cf. pangháyhay, pangaróy, pangharóy).

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A prolonged cry of distress or anguish; a wail.

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To utter a sound expressive of distress; to cry aloud and mournfully; to lament; to wail.

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A prolonged wail for a deceased person. Cf. Coranach.

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