"Waggel" is a word in ENGLISH

waggel ENGLISH

The young of the great black-backed gull (Larus marinus),
formerly considered a distinct species.

Few words of positivity

He who has a question will always be able to find the answer.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

A customer was bothering the waiter in a restaurant. First, he asked that the air conditioning be turned up because he was too hot, then he asked it be turned down cause he was too cold, and so on for about half an hour.Surprisingly, the waiter was very patient, he walked back and forth and never once got angry. So finally, a second customer asked him why he didn't throw out the pest."Oh, I really don't care or mind," said the waiter with a smile. "We don't even have an air conditioner."


v. /AG-, MANG-/ to win (in gambling, a contest, etc.). Nangabak diay balasang. The young woman won. /MANG- : PANG--AN/ …

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v. /MA-/ 1. to lose money (in gambling, a contest, etc.). Naabakak idiay swipstik. I lost money in the sweepstakes. …

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abat-abat HILIGAYNON

abát-ábat - Dim. and Freq. of ábat. Also: to follow up, follow from place to place. Ginabátábat sang mga polís …

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n. textile, specifically cloth woven in the native loom (PAGABLAN). v. /AG-/ to weave cloth, especially in the native loom. …

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ablactation ENGLISH

The weaning of a child from the breast, or of young beasts from their dam.

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To miscarry; to bring forth young prematurely.

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adonis ENGLISH

A preeminently beautiful young man; a dandy.

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agák - Cock, rooster. (cf. sulúg, manók; sumaláyhaw—a young cock).

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ágao - Prepossessing, charming, captivating, attractive and hence having many admirers, clients or customers, being much sought after or resorted …

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ag--inn-ak ILOKANO

1. to do the action denoted by the stem to each other. Nagpinnakawan da. They forgave each other. 2. to …

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agúhù n Australian pine: Casuarina equistifolia. Lumber and ornamental tree. The roots and bark have medicinal uses. Young specimens are …

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ahíti - (Sp. ajete) Young garlic; leek.

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airiness ENGLISH

Lightness of spirits; gayety; levity; as, the airiness of young persons.

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alang-alang HILIGAYNON

aláng-álang - Neither "fish, flesh nor fowl”; untimely, inconvenient, immature, not quite qualified or capable; to lack maturity, timeliness, qualities …

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alangón - Immature, young, untimely, etc. See alángalangánon.

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alawihaw CEBUANO

alawíhaw = aluwíhaw. alawiswis (not without l) n {1} bamboo stem an inch around or less: the top part of …

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alevin ENGLISH

Young fish; fry.

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alibangbang ILOKANO

n. a kind of tree whose young leaves are used in preparing some kind of meat dish.

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alludoy ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to move or walk slowly so as not to be noticed. Nagal-alludoy nga nagawid diay balasang. The young …

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alóy - A young or small turíngan, tulínganfish.

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