"Vying" is a word in ENGLISH


a. & n. from Vie.
W () the twenty-third letter of the English alphabet, is usually a
consonant, but sometimes it is a vowel, forming the second element of
certain diphthongs, as in few, how. It takes its written form and its
name from the repetition of a V, this being the original form of the
Roman capital letter which we call U. Etymologically it is most related
to v and u. See V, and U. Some of the uneducated classes in England,
especially in London, confuse w and v, substituting the one for the
other, as weal for veal, and veal for weal; wine for vine, and vine for
wine, etc. See Guide to Pronunciation, // 266-268.


of Vie

Few words of positivity

We've been there and come back. When you fall in the pit, people are supposed to help you up. But you have to get up on your own. We'll take your arms, but you have to get your legs underneath you and stand.

Bucky Sinister, Get Up: A 12-Step Guide to Recovery for Misfits, Freaks, and Weirdos

Laugh your heart out.

Kustomir: Day, mainom ning tubig ninyo?

Tindira: Naa ba diay tubig nga makaon?

Kustomir: Dili ba, basig hugaw ni?

Tindira: Aw, hugasi!

pangumpiti HILIGAYNON

pangumpíti - (Probably from the Sp. competir). To strive, contend, compete with, vie; insist on, be determined or resolute. (cf. …

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