"Vulgarity" is a word in ENGLISH

vulgarity ENGLISH

Grossness or clownishness of manners of language;
absence of refinement; coarseness.

vulgarity ENGLISH

The quality or state of being vulgar; mean condition of
life; the state of the lower classes of society.

Few words of positivity

Being snappy is a symptom of an argument we forgot to have some way back.

Alain de Botton

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Amanda !Amanda who ?Amanda the table!


Having a large, strong, or gross body; stout; lusty; -- now used chiefly of human beings, but formerly of animals, …

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carnality ENGLISH

The state of being carnal; fleshly lust, or the indulgence of lust; grossness of mind.

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coarseness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being coarse; roughness; inelegance; vulgarity; grossness; as, coarseness of food, texture, manners, or language.

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earthiness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being earthy, or of containing earth; hence, grossness.

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earthliness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being earthly; worldliness; grossness; perishableness.

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fleshiness ENGLISH

The state of being fleshy; plumpness; corpulence; grossness.

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greasiness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being greasy, oiliness; unctuousness; grossness.

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The act of making gross or thick, or the state of becoming so.

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grossness ENGLISH

The state or quality of being gross; thickness; corpulence; coarseness; shamefulness.

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To sell by small parcels, and not in the gross. To sell ln small quantities. State v. Lowenhaught, 11 Lea …

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To express the particulars of; to set down in detail or in gross; to represent fully in words; to narrate; …

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