"Violation" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


Injury; Infringement; breach of rlght, duty, or law. Ravishment; seduction. The statute 25 Edw. III. St. 5, c. 2, enacts that any person who shall violate the king’s companion shall be guilty of high treason

violation ENGLISH

Interruption, as of sleep or peace; disturbance.

violation ENGLISH

An act of irreverence or desecration; profanation or
contemptuous treatment of sacred things; as, the violation of a church.

violation ENGLISH

Infringement; transgression; nonobservance; as, the
violation of law or positive command, of covenants, promises, etc.

violation ENGLISH

The act of violating, treating with violence, or
injuring; the state of being violated.

violation ENGLISH

Ravishment; rape; outrage.

Few words of positivity

Being giving is a big quality. Being too giving is a big mistake!

Rossana Condoleo

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the witch who fed her pet vulture on sawdust?The vulture laid ten eggs and when they hatched, nine chicks had wooden legs and the tenth was a woodpecker.


To infringe or violate, as an obligation, law, or promise.

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Confirmatio Chartarum LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. Confirmation of the charters. A statute passed in the 25 Edw. I., whereby the Great Charter is declared to …

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infraction ENGLISH

The act of infracting or breaking; breach; violation; nonobservance; infringement; as, an infraction of a treaty, compact, rule, or law.

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Infraction LAW AND LEGAL

A breach, violation, or infringement; as of a law, a contract, a right or duty

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infringe ENGLISH

To break, violate, or transgress some contract, rule, or law; to injure; to offend.

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infringe ENGLISH

To break; to violate; to transgress; to neglect to fulfill or obey; as, to infringe a law or contract.

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infringement ENGLISH

The act of infringing; breach; violation; nonfulfillment; as, the infringement of a treaty, compact, law, or constitution.

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Infringement LAW AND LEGAL

A breaking into; a trespass or encroachment upon; a violation of a law, regulation, contract, or rigbt. Used especially of …

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In Personam, In Rem LAW AND LEGAL

In the Ro-maa law, from which they are taken, the expressions “in rem” and “in personam” were always opposed to …

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Perturbation LAW AND LEGAL

In the English eccleslastlcal courts, a “suit for perturbation of seat” is the technical name for an actlon growlng out …

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pirate ENGLISH

One who infringes the law of copyright, or publishes the work of an author without permission.

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