"Vessicnon" is a word in ENGLISH

vessicnon ENGLISH

Alt. of Vessignon

Few words of positivity

For a great many people, the evening is the most enjoyable part of the day. Perhaps, then, there is something to his advice that I should cease looking back so much, that I should adopt a more positive outlook and try to make the best of what remains of my day. After all, what can we ever gain in forever looking back and blaming ourselves if our lives have not turned out quite as we might have wished?

Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day

Laugh your heart out.

A boy went to a Halloween party with a sheet over his head.'Are you here as a ghost ?' asked his friends'No, I'm an undercover agent".

eagle-winged ENGLISH

Having the wings of an eagle; swift, or soaring high, like an eagle.

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maawáon - Compassionate, sympathetic, commiserating, condoling, pitiful, clement, taking pity on, merciful. (áwà) maawayón, Fighting, inclined to fight, quarrelsome, pugnacious, …

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biangulate ENGLISH

Alt. of Biangulated

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dotardly ENGLISH
clair-obscur ENGLISH

See Chiaroscuro.

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docent ENGLISH

Serving to instruct; teaching.

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oxytocic ENGLISH

An oxytocic medicine or agent.

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Goods, property, substance; a beast of burden. Spelman

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percipiency ENGLISH

The faculty, act or power of perceiving; perception.

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■ To review, re-examine for> correction; to go over a thing for the purpose) of. amending, correcting, rearranging, or otherwise …

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The general appearance and manner of life of a living organism.

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phytography ENGLISH

The science of describing plants in a systematic manner; also, a description of plants.

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culminate ENGLISH

To reach its highest point of altitude; to come to the meridian; to be vertical or directly overhead.

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impetuous ENGLISH

Rushing with force and violence; moving with impetus; furious; forcible; violent; as, an impetuous wind; an impetuous torrent.

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houseleek ENGLISH

A succulent plant of the genus Sempervivum (S. tectorum), originally a native of subalpine Europe, but now found very generally …

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kápuy a {1} tired, weary, exhausted through exertion. {2} s.t. that is too much trouble, one who is too lazy …

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hi- in many forms beginning with hi-, there is a prefix hi- or hiN-. Look also under the form with …

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