"Ventricle" is a word in ENGLISH

ventricle ENGLISH

A cavity, or one of the cavities, of an organ, as of the
larynx or the brain; specifically, the posterior chamber, or one of the
two posterior chambers, of the heart, which receives the blood from the
auricle and forces it out from the heart. See Heart.

ventricle ENGLISH

Fig.: Any cavity, or hollow place, in which any function
may be conceived of as operating.

ventricle ENGLISH

The stomach.

Few words of positivity

I didn't give up in the nine months it took to get here, so I'm sure as hell not going to give up now!

Anthony T. Hincks

Laugh your heart out.

How can you tell an Italian witch from an English one ?By her suntan !

belemnite ENGLISH

A conical calcareous fossil, tapering to a point at the lower extremity, with a conical cavity at the other end, …

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bulsa n {1} pocket. Rilu dibulsa, Pocket watch. {2} cavity in a fishing net which holds the fish. {3} an …

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Any sac or saclike cavity; especially, one of the synovial sacs, or small spaces, often lined with synovial membrane, interposed …

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caecum ENGLISH

A cavity open at one end, as the blind end of a canal or duct.

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calicle ENGLISH

One of the small cuplike cavities, often with elevated borders, covering the surface of most corals. Each is formed by …

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coelenterata ENGLISH

A comprehensive group of Invertebrata, mostly marine, comprising the Anthozoa, Hydrozoa, and Ctenophora. The name implies that the stomach and …

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cul-de-sac ENGLISH

Any bag-shaped or tubular cavity, vessel, or organ, open only at one end.

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A pouch or sac without opening, usually membranous and containing morbid matter, which is accidentally developed in one of the …

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elocular ENGLISH

Having but one cell, or cavity; not divided by a septum or partition.

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fierasfer ENGLISH

A genus of small, slender fishes, remarkable for their habit of living as commensals in other animals. One species inhabits …

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gastrula ENGLISH

An embryonic form having its origin in the invagination or pushing in of the wall of the planula or blastula …

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intrusion ENGLISH

The penetrating of one rock, while in a plastic or metal state, into the cavities of another.

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lacuna ENGLISH

A small opening; a small depression or cavity; a space, as a vacant space between the cells of plants, or …

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locellate ENGLISH

Divided into secondary compartments or cells, as where one cavity is separated into several smaller ones.

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mata n {1} eyes. Nagluhang mga mata, Eyes filled with tears. {1a} tawutáwu sa the pupil of the eyes. {2} …

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mesentery ENGLISH

One of the vertical muscular radiating partitions which divide the body cavity of Anthozoa into chambers.

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mesentery ENGLISH

The membranes, or one of the membranes (consisting of a fold of the peritoneum and inclosed tissues), which connect the …

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mollusca ENGLISH

One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom, including the classes Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, PteropodaScaphopoda, and Lamellibranchiata, or Conchifera. These …

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oostegite ENGLISH

One of the plates which in some Crustacea inclose a cavity wherein the eggs are hatched.

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optocoelia ENGLISH

The cavity of one of the optic lobes of the brain in many animals.

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