"Venison" is a word in ENGLISH

venison ENGLISH

Formerly, the flesh of any of the edible beasts of the
chase, also of game birds; now, the flesh of animals of the deer kind

venison ENGLISH

Beasts of the chase.

Few words of positivity

The bird of hope singsPerched on the branches of twilight;Never grieve for anythingFor, the day always follows the night!

Neelam Saxena Chandra

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why didn't Intel call the Pentium the 586?A: Because they added 486 and 100 on the first Pentium and got 585.999983605.

uphasp ENGLISH

To hasp or faster up; to close; as, sleep uphasps the eyes.

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akin = nakinnákin. akip v [B6; c1] be included, include oneself in s.t. Ang bátang mag-akip ug sulti sa dagkù …

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serador, seradora HILIGAYNON

seradór, seradóra - See seladór, seladóra—zelator, etc.

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gats may have the guts to do s.t. May gats ka ug makawan tu tri kas Wayt Guld, You have …

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pendulate ENGLISH

To swing as a pendulum.

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smegma ENGLISH

The cheesy, sebaceous matter which collects between the glans penis and the foreskin.

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hydrastine ENGLISH

An alkaloid, found in the rootstock of the golden seal (Hydrastis Canadensis), and extracted as a bitter, white, crystalline substance. …

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arkite ENGLISH

Belonging to the ark.

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paíway - To drive off, repel, repulse, send flying, put to flight, scatter, dispel, scare away, used especially in prayer …

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salify ENGLISH

To combine or impregnate with a salt.

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fumiferous ENGLISH

Producing smoke.

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exauctorate ENGLISH

See Exauthorate.

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mangir-ohon HILIGAYNON

mangir-óhon - (B) Merciful. See manghír-óhon id. (ngír-o).

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singularly ENGLISH

So as to express one, or the singular number.

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electrotypy ENGLISH

The process of producing electrotype plates. See Note under Electrotype, n.

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búlwag - See búlwang.

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tollgate ENGLISH

A gate where toll is taken.

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Alt. of Ectocuniform

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ekasilicon ENGLISH

The name of a hypothetical element predicted and afterwards discovered and named germanium; -- so called because it was a …

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