"Vengement" is a word in ENGLISH

vengement ENGLISH

Avengement; penal retribution; vengeance.

Few words of positivity

She stumbled then and Geryon caught her other arm, it was like a handful of autumn. He felt huge and wrong. When is it polite to let go someone’s arm after you grab it?

Anne Carson, Autobiography of Red

Laugh your heart out.

A Mississippi professor was at a party and became indignant when asked if college professors were absent-minded. "Professors haven't got bad memories," he declared. "They're not absent-minded. Don't you think I know where I am right now, and don't you think tomorrow I'll know where I was last night? Would somebody like to ask me another question?" "Yes," said another guest. "Is it true that professors are absent-minded and have bad memories?" "Good!" said the professor. "I knew sooner or later somebody would ask me that question."

premonishment ENGLISH

Previous warning or admonition; forewarning.

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A familiar name for an aunt. In the southern United States a familiar term applied to aged negro women.

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suavity ENGLISH

Sweetness to the taste.

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paleothere ENGLISH

Any species of Paleotherium.

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dowset ENGLISH

A dowcet, or deep's testicle.

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An escape; a secret or unexpected desertion; as, to give one the slip.

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English: water Tagalog: tubig

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crosshead ENGLISH

A beam or bar across the head or end of a rod, etc., or a block attached to it and …

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ligamentous ENGLISH

Composing a ligament; of the nature of a ligament; binding; as, a strong ligamentous membrane.

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That which keeps or protects; a stronghold; a fortress; a castle; specifically, the strongest and securest part of a castle, …

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kingdom ENGLISH

An extensive scientific division distinguished by leading or ruling characteristics; a principal division; a department; as, the mineral kingdom.

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sextolet ENGLISH

A double triplet; a group of six equal notes played in the time of four.

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kulitus CEBUANO

kulitus = akulitu.

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matris CEBUANO

matris n uterus.

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pásì - Unhulled rice mixed with hulled rice after pounding.

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brokádo - (Sp. brocado) Gold or silver brocade.

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voider ENGLISH

One of the ordinaries, much like the flanch, but less rounded and therefore smaller.

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mouldable ENGLISH

Capable of being molded or formed.

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afflux ENGLISH

A flowing towards; that which flows to; as, an afflux of blood to the head.

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snuffy ENGLISH

Sulky; angry; vexed.

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