"Veilless" is a word in ENGLISH

veilless ENGLISH

Having no veil.

Few words of positivity

I am drawn to a fourth alternative, natural teleology, or teleological bias, as an account of the existence of the biological possibilities on which natural selection can operate. I believe that teleology is a naturalistic alternative that is distinct from all three of the other candidate explanations: chance, creationism, and directionless physical law. To avoid the mistake that White finds in the hypothesis of nonintentional bias, teleology would have to be restrictive in what it makes likely, but without depending on intentions or motives. This would probably have to involve some conception of an increase in value through the expanded possibilities provided by the higher forms of organization toward which nature tends: not just any outcome could qualify as a telos. That would make value an explanatory end, but not one that is realized through the purposes or intentions of an agent. Teleology means that in addition to physical law of the familiar kind, there are other laws of nature that are "biased toward the marvelous".

Thomas Nagel, Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False

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There was the Florida State defensive tackle who thought Hertz Van Rentals was a famous Dutch painter.

Abalienatio LAW AND LEGAL

In Roman law. The perfect conveyance or transfer of property from one Roman citizen to another. Thls term gave place …

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alum-um CEBUANO

alum-um a for the sky to be overcast. v {1} [B] become overcast. Mialum-um ang búwan, The moon became covered …

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barege ENGLISH

A gauzelike fabric for ladies' dresses, veils, etc. of worsted, silk and worsted, or cotton and worsted.

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belasyón - (Sp. velación) Vigil, wake, prayers and entertainments at night after a person’s death, often lasting for many successive …

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belo Active Verb: magbelo Definition: (noun) veil Notes: from Spanish VELO

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bélo - (Sp. velo) Veil; the veiling of the bride and bridegroom during the nuptial Mass; to veil. Himósa ang …

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beteela ENGLISH

An East India muslin, formerly used for cravats, veils, etc.

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bílo - Veil. See bélo.

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bílu n veil. v [A; a] {1} wear, make into, put on a veil. {2} [A; b6] be a veil …

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brunda CEBUANO

brunda n veil worn by women to church. v {1} [A; a] wear, make into a veil. {2} [A12] get …

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calyptra ENGLISH

A little hood or veil, resembling an extinguisher in form and position, covering each of the small flasklike capsules which …

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Anything which veils or conceals; a screen; disguise; a cloak.

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domino ENGLISH

A mourning veil formerly worn by women.

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headdress ENGLISH

A manner of dressing the hair or of adorning it, whether with or without a veil, ribbons, combs, etc.

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illusion ENGLISH

A plain, delicate lace, usually of silk, used for veils, scarfs, dresses, etc.

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ispanis CEBUANO

Ispánis n Spanish class, language, person. Nindut kaáyu pam-ináwun ang Ispánis gitar, The Spanish guitar is pleasant to lis-ten to. …

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kurung CEBUANO

kurung, kúrung n veil or any other head covering used by women in church. v [A; b] wear a veil …

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labur n embroidery. v [AN; b6(1)] embroider. Mga madring Bilgas ang naglabur sa mga bílung pinya, The Belgian sisters embroidered …

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likúm - Concealment, hiding, secrecy; to hide, conceal, keep quiet about, screen, secrete, veil, disguise. Indì malikúm iníng líkit – …

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lipód - To screen, stand between, bar, block, close the view of, hide behind, conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, …

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