"Vasty" is a word in ENGLISH


Vast; immense.

Few words of positivity

The best thing about existence is that any moment in time can be a point of beginning to anything! In other words, every moment of our life holds a key for the unknown or the closed doors of new paths!

Mehmet Murat ildan

Laugh your heart out.

There is a new Barbie doll on the market - Siamese Twins Barbie ...complete with surgical instruments

immense ENGLISH

Immeasurable; unlimited. In commonest use: Very great; vast; huge.

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immensity ENGLISH

The state or quality of being immense; inlimited or immeasurable extension; infinity; vastness in extent or bulk; greatness.

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infinite ENGLISH

Indefinitely large or extensive; great; vast; immense; gigantic; prodigious.

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An immense expanse; any vast space or quantity without apparent limits; as, the boundless ocean of eternity; an ocean of …

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prodigious ENGLISH

Extraordinary in bulk, extent, quantity, or degree; very great; vast; huge; immense; as, a prodigious mountain; a prodigious creature; a …

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A waste region; boundless space; immensity.

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Of great extent; very spacious or large; also, huge in bulk; immense; enormous; as, the vast ocean; vast mountains; the …

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vastidity ENGLISH

Vastness; immensity.

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vastitude ENGLISH

Vastness; immense extent.

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vastly ENGLISH

To a vast extent or degree; very greatly; immensely.

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