"Uru" is a word in CEBUANO


úru n gold.
, pláta, mála gold, silver, bad luck: a formula for determining whether a household will have good or bad luck.
As one climbs the stairs the formula is recited one word for each step.
If one reaches the top with úru, the house will have exceptionally good luck; with pláta, fairly good luck; with mála, bad luck.
tsína 24-carat gold.
búda di- see búda.
v {1} [b(1)] cover teeth with gold capping.
{2} [c1] be in gold.

Few words of positivity

If you don’t know your maker, chances are that you will never know yourself. If you don’t know yourself, you will bury your meals and complain of poverty!

Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

Laugh your heart out.

"This birthday cake certainly is crunchy." "Maybe you should spit out the plate!"


To have recourse; to resort; as, to go to law.

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Mercantile LAW AND LEGAL

Pertaining to merchants or their buslness; havlng to do with trade

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Attorney At Law LAW AND LEGAL

Au advocate, counsel, official agent employed iu preparing, managing, aud trying cases in the courts. An officer in a court …

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warbler ENGLISH

One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; -- applied chiefly to birds.

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Goods, etc., which, after a shipwreck, are cast upon the land by the sea.

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Municipality LAW AND LEGAL

A munlclpal corpo* ration; a city, town, borough, or incbrporat-ed village. Also the body of officers, taken collectively, belonglng to …

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obsequent ENGLISH

Obedient; submissive; obsequious.

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arrant ENGLISH

Notoriously or preeminently bad; thorough or downright, in a bad sense; shameless; unmitigated; as, an arrant rogue or coward.

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astrict ENGLISH

Concise; contracted.

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infinity ENGLISH

Unlimited capacity, energy, excellence, or knowledge; as, the infinity of God and his perfections.

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cradle ENGLISH

A tool used in mezzotint engraving, which, by a rocking motion, raises burrs on the surface of the plate, so …

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The quality of being cosmopolitan; cosmopolitism.

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dókoy - To walk with a stoop. See dúkoy.

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dreariness ENGLISH

Dismalness; gloomy solitude.

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parisology ENGLISH

The use of equivocal or ambiguous words.

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bulingit CEBUANO

bulingit see buling.

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badyáng - See badiáng id.

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