"Uphak" is a word in CEBUANO


uphak = hup-ak.

Few words of positivity

I put the carpetbag on a ledge, and then, hanging upside down by my razor-clawed feet, slept until sunset. A first for me, and actually quite comfortable.Lord help me.

J.R. Rain, Moon Bayou

Laugh your heart out.

A very religious man lived right next door to an atheist. While the religious one prayed day in, day out, and was constantly on his knees in communion with his Lord, the atheist never even looked twice at a church.However, the atheist's life was good, he had a well-paying job and a beautiful wife, and his children were healthy and good-natured, whereas the pious man's job was strenuous and his wages were low, his wife was getting fatter every day and his kids wouldn't give him the time of the day.So one day, deep in prayer as usual, he raised his eyes towards heaven and asked:"Oh God, I honour you every day, I ask your advice for every problem and confess to you my every sin. Yet my neighbour, who doesn't even believe in you and certainly never prays, seems blessed with every happiness, while I go poor andsuffer many an indignity. Why is this?"And a great voice w as heard from above:"BECAUSE HE DOESN'T BOTHER ME ALL THE TIME!"

clinometer ENGLISH

An instrument for determining the dip of beds or strata, pr the slope of an embankment or cutting; a kind …

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Primum Decretum LAW AND LEGAL

Lat In the canon law. The first decree; a preliminary decree granted on the non-appearance of a defendant, by which …

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anight ENGLISH

Lat In the civil law. Power; authority; domination; empire. Impcrium, or the jurisdiction of magistrates. The power of the father …

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antidote ENGLISH

To fortify or preserve by an antidote.

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The act, process, or result of decarburizing.

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obtainable ENGLISH

Capable of being obtained.

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stellerida ENGLISH

An extensive group of echinoderms, comprising the starfishes and ophiurans.

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notarial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a notary; done or taken by a notary; as, a notarial seal; notarial evidence or attestation.

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A circle, or combination of circles, of thin whalebone, metal, or other elastic material, used for expanding the skirts of …

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glorióso - (Sp. glorioso) Glorious, excellent, blessed, blissful. (cf. mahimayáon).

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register ENGLISH

A lid, stopper, or sliding plate, in a furnace, stove, etc., for regulating the admission of air to the fuel; …

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cantalever ENGLISH

A projecting beam, truss, or bridge unsupported at the outer end; one which overhangs.

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A stable; a place for cattle.

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scapolite ENGLISH

A grayish white mineral occuring in tetragonal crystals and in cleavable masses. It is essentially a silicate of alumina and …

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speechifying ENGLISH

The act of making a speech or speeches.

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bulag v {1} [A2B2; bc] separate from, get separated. Adtu ku mubulag nímu sa iskína, I will leave you at …

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tut-work ENGLISH

Work done by the piece, as in nonmetaliferous rock, the amount done being usually reckoned by the fathom.

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