"Uphag" is a word in CEBUANO


uphag a {1} uninteresting.
Nagpanghuy-ab ku nga nagtan-aw sa uphag kaáyu nga sini, I was yawning looking at the boring movie.
{2} having a dry, not cared-for look.
Uphag kaáyu ang ákung buhuk kay way hisù, My hair looks drab and not groomed because I didnt put oil in it.
v {1} [B156] be uninteresting.
Wà nay manan-aw sa dráma nga nag-uphag, Nobody likes to see a stage play that is boring.
{2} [B; b6] be, become drab and not well-groomed.

Few words of positivity

I think, that if the world were a bit more like ComicCon, it would be a better place.

Matt Smith

Laugh your heart out.

A lady was walking down the street to work and she saw a parrot on a perch in front of a pet store. The parrot said to her, "Hey lady, you are really ugly." Well, the lady is furious! She stormed past the store to her work. On the way home she saw the same parrot and it said to her, "Hey lady, you are really ugly." She was incredibly ticked now. The next day the same parrot again said to her, "Hey lady, you are really ugly." The lady was so ticked that she went into the store and said that she would sue the store and kill the bird. The store manager replied, "That's not good," and promised he wouldn't say it again. When the lady walked past the store that day after work the parrot called to her, "Hey lady." She paused and said, "Yes?"The bird said, "You know."

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A little cable less than ten inches in circumference.

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sikrítu diamur = amur sikrítu.

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Of or pertaining to the art of writing.

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bikaryu n o? cer of the church.

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A kind of cloth, usually cotton, made in imitation of velvet; cotton velvet.

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onward ENGLISH

Toward a point before or in front; forward; progressively; as, to move onward.

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Freight; cargo; lading. Milton.

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Covered or sprinkled with sand; sandy; barren.

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A genus of herbaceous plants, some of them having berries which abound in intensely red juice; poke, or pokeweed.

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ripplet ENGLISH
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The act of bringing before the mind; presentation.

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Factoreeing Prooess LAW AND LEGAL

Itt American law. A process by which the effects of a debtor are attached in the hands of a third …

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A similar gigantic fish (Stereolepis gigas) of Southern California, valued as a food fish.

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