"Unyur" is a word in CEBUANO


unyur see marts.

Few words of positivity

Think about ethanol again. The benefits of that $7 billion tax subsidy are bestowed on a small group of farmers, making it quite lucrative for each one of them. Meanwhile, the costs are spread over the remaining 98 percent of us, putting ethanol somewhere below good oral hygiene on our list of everyday concerns. The opposite would be true with my plan to have left-handed voters pay subsidies to right-handed voters. There are roughly nine right-handed Americans for every lefty, so if every right-handed voter were to get some government benefit worth $100, then every left-handed voter would have to pay $900 to finance it. The lefties would be hopping mad about their $900 tax bills, probably to the point that it became their preeminent political concern, while the righties would be only modestly excited about their $100 subsidy. An adept politician would probably improve her career prospects by voting with the lefties.Here is a curious finding that makes more sense in light of what we‘ve just discussed. In countries where farmers make up a small fraction of the population, such as America and Europe, the government provides large subsidies for agriculture. But in countries where the farming population is relatively large, such as China and India, the subsidies go the other way. Farmers are forced to sell their crops at below-market prices so that urban dwellers can get basic food items cheaply. In the one case, farmers get political favors; in the other, they must pay for them. What makes these examples logically consistent is that in both cases the large group subsidizes the smaller group.In politics, the tail can wag the dog. This can have profound effects on the economy.

Charles Wheelan, Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science

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How do Iranians speak on the telephone?Persian-to-Persian (person-to-person).

Pagal-pagal - dead tired

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To subject to the action of heat in a boiling liquid so as to produce some specific effect, as cooking, …

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nocent ENGLISH

Guilty; -- the opposite of innocent.

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A condition of the muscles induced by exposure to severe cold, in which the electrical action of the muscle is …

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barker ENGLISH

One who stands at the doors of shops to urg/ passers by to make purchases.

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rearmost ENGLISH

Farthest in the rear; last.

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sardinas TAGALOG

sardinas Definition: (noun) sardines

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grecque ENGLISH

An ornament supposed to be of Greek origin, esp. a fret or meander.

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torsído - (Sp. torcido) Twisted, twined, wound. (cf. labág, linúbid).

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To throw with a quick and suddenly arrested motion of the hand; as, to jerk a stone.

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bounty ENGLISH

That which is given generously or liberally.

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excellent ENGLISH

Excellently; eminently; exceedingly.

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solder ENGLISH

To unite (metallic surfaces or edges) by the intervention of a more fusible metal or metallic alloy applied when melted; …

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A psalm, etc., arranged for chanting.

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post-obit ENGLISH

Alt. of Post-obit bond

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pantomime ENGLISH

A universal mimic; an actor who assumes many parts; also, any actor.

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sonties ENGLISH

Probably from \"saintes\" saints, or from sanctities; -- used as an oath.

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idiomatical ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to, or conforming to, the mode of expression peculiar to a language; as, an idiomatic meaning; an …

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advocateship ENGLISH

Office or duty of an advocate.

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