"Unstockinged" is a word in ENGLISH

unstockinged ENGLISH

Deprived of stockings.

unstockinged ENGLISH

Destitute of stockings.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes the truth stares us in the face, but we just choose not to look.

Gill Lewis, White Dolphin

Laugh your heart out.

Anak: Tay, di ko katulog, daghan ma’g lamok!

Tatay: Pawngon nato ang suga aron di ta makit-an.

(Pagpawng sa suga, nanggawas ang mga aninipot)

Anak: Hala tay! Nagdala silag flashlight!

displenish ENGLISH

To deprive or strip, as a house of furniture, or a barn of stock.

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unstock ENGLISH

To deprive of a stock; to remove the stock from; to loose from that which fixes, or holds fast.

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