"Unreverent" is a word in ENGLISH

unreverent ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

I have come to the realization that I have reached the age or mental state of the entering a room with thought in mind syndrome only to find the thought took a turn and went elsewhere...fortunately it wasn't a life or death issue... Sept 24, 2016... — thinking about life


Laugh your heart out.

Where do you find a down-and-out octopus ? On squid row !

blaspheme ENGLISH

To speak of, or address, with impious irreverence; to revile impiously (anything sacred); as, to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.

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blasphemous ENGLISH

Speaking or writing blasphemy; uttering or exhibiting anything impiously irreverent; profane; as, a blasphemous person; containing blasphemy; as, a blasphemous …

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blasphemy ENGLISH

An indignity offered to God in words, writing, or signs; impiously irreverent words or signs addressed to, or used in …

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disreverence ENGLISH

To treat irreverently or with disrespect.

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impiety ENGLISH

The quality of being impious; want of piety; irreverence toward the Supreme Being; ungodliness; wickedness.

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impious ENGLISH

Not pious; wanting piety; irreligious; irreverent; ungodly; profane; wanting in reverence for the Supreme Being; as, an impious deed; impious …

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irreverence ENGLISH

The state or quality of being irreverent; want of proper reverence; disregard of the authority and character of a superior.

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irreverent ENGLISH

Not reverent; showing a want of reverence; expressive of a want of veneration; as, an irreverent babbler; an irreverent jest.

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irreverently ENGLISH

In an irreverent manner.

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lapastangan TAGALOG

lapastangan Definition: (adj) irreverent; disrespectful; discourteous

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profanation ENGLISH

The act of violating sacred things, or of treating them with contempt or irreverence; irreverent or too familiar treatment or …

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profane ENGLISH

Irreverent in language; taking the name of God in vain; given to swearing; blasphemous; as, a profane person, word, oath, …

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profane ENGLISH

Treating sacred things with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity; irreverent; impious.

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profane ENGLISH

To violate, as anything sacred; to treat with abuse, irreverence, obloquy, or contempt; to desecrate; to pollute; as, to profane …

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profaner ENGLISH

One who treats sacred things with irreverence, or defiles what is holy; one who uses profane language.

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profanity ENGLISH

The quality or state of being profane; profaneness; irreverence; esp., the use of profane language; blasphemy.

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To make an appeal to God in an irreverant manner; to use the name of God or sacred things profanely; …

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unreverence ENGLISH

Absence or lack of reverence; irreverence.

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unreverend ENGLISH

Disrespectful; irreverent.

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