"Unreputable" is a word in ENGLISH

unreputable ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

She finally understood that sex was never about orgasms. Sex was merely a vehicle to achieve connection. It wasn't the destination that mattered - only the journey.

Joshua Edward Smith, Duality

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a neurotic octopus? A crazy, mixed-up squid.

attack ENGLISH

To assail with unfriendly speech or writing; to begin a controversy with; to attempt to overthrow or bring into disrepute, …

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calumniate ENGLISH

To accuse falsely and maliciously of a crime or offense, or of something disreputable; to slander; to libel.

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dalispang CEBUANO

dalispang v [B26; b6] {1} slip, lose ones footing. Midalispang siya sa pálut sa ságing, He slipped on the banana …

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defame ENGLISH

To render infamous; to bring into disrepute.

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discreditable ENGLISH

Not creditable; injurious to reputation; disgraceful; disreputable.

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disesteem ENGLISH

To deprive of esteem; to bring into disrepute; to cause to be regarded with disfavor.

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disesteem ENGLISH

Want of esteem; low estimation, inclining to dislike; disfavor; disrepute.

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The state of being disreputable.

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disreputable ENGLISH

Not reputable; of bad repute; not in esteem; dishonorable; disgracing the reputation; tending to bring into disesteem; as, it is …

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disreputably ENGLISH

In a disreputable manner.

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disreputation ENGLISH

Loss or want of reputation or good name; dishonor; disrepute; disesteem.

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disrepute ENGLISH

To bring into disreputation; to hold in dishonor.

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disrepute ENGLISH

Loss or want of reputation; ill character; disesteem; discredit.

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Not respectable; disreputable.

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disvaluation ENGLISH

Disesteem; depreciation; disrepute.

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A loose wench; a disreputable sweetheart.

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explode ENGLISH

To bring into disrepute, and reject; to drive from notice and acceptance; as, to explode a scheme, fashion, or doctrine.

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A disreputable or vicious woman; a wench; a quean; also, sometimes, a worthless man.

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