"Unimproved" is a word in ENGLISH

unimproved ENGLISH

Not used; not employed; especially, not used or
employed for a valuable purpose; as, unimproved opportunities;
unimproved blessings.

unimproved ENGLISH

Not improved; not made better or wiser; not advanced in
knowledge, manners, or excellence.

unimproved ENGLISH

Not tilled, cultivated, or built upon; yielding no
revenue; as, unimproved land or soil.

Few words of positivity

Falsehood of a good man is better than truth of a bad one.

Raheel Farooq

Laugh your heart out.

How do you get milk from a witch's cat? Steal her saucer.

neglect ENGLISH

Not to attend to with due care or attention; to forbear one's duty in regard to; to suffer to pass …

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