"Unfret" is a word in ENGLISH

unfret ENGLISH

To smooth after being fretted.

Few words of positivity

We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.

William Shakespeare, The Tempest

Laugh your heart out.

The congregation was sitting and waiting for the preacherto began his sermon when two masked men burst into thechurch and said "Whoever is not willing to take a bulletfor Jesus better leave now." More than half of thecongregation jumped up and ran out the door. The two men took off their masks, sat in the front rowand said, "Okay, Reverend, you can preach now. All thehyprocrites are gone."

abrase ENGLISH

ágsap - To chip—, trim—, dress—, hew—, wood by cutting or splitting off small pieces. Agsapí ang káhoy. Dress the …

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águs - To clean or scrape with a sharpedged tool. Agúsi ang owáy. Clean the rattan. Scrape the rattan smooth …

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agúut a for s.t. soft or smooth to have a sandy, gritty texture because of improper cooking or some hard …

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ahit Active Verb: mag-ahit Passive Verb: ahitin Definition: 1) the shaved part; a shaving service (noun) 2) to shave (verb) …

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alinaay ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ smooth, calm, placid, peaceful. v. /-UM-/ to become smooth, calm or peaceful: said of the weather. Umay kaminto …

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amô - To tighten or straighten by pushing and pulling, (as a loom (terál), so that the cloth to be …

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anis-is CEBUANO

anis-is a immaculately white and smooth. Anis-is nga pamánit, Smooth, fair complexion. Anis-is ang lángit, The sky is smooth and …

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apáli n k. o. oval-shaped, smooth-textured yam, cultivated and growing wild: Dioscorea esculenta.

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arioso ENGLISH

In the smooth and melodious style of an air; ariose.

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asperity ENGLISH

Roughness of surface; unevenness; -- opposed to smoothness.

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atay-atay CEBUANO

atay-átay n {1} pit of the stomach. {2} the hollow or fleshy part of the palm and its analogue in …

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áyum v [APB3(1); a12] {1} for a wound to be healed or cured. Dalì rang miáyum (naáyum) ang samad, It …

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bagól - The skull; any skull-like vessel, as e.g. the rough shell of a coconut opened slightly at the top …

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bagunul CEBUANO

bagunul a for a surface to be lumpy. Bagunul ang karsáda kay walà mapisun, The road is not smooth because …

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bágus v [A; b(1)] smooth a piece of wood with a knife. Bagúsan ku ang kawáyan sa kurta, Ill smooth …

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bakat n k. o. hamper, a woven container about 2 high with a top. -in-k. o. large, round, smooth tomato.

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bántang - (B) Level, flat, smooth, even, plane, plain, having no mounds or hills; to be level, etc. Bántang nga …

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bantilis CEBUANO

bantílis n hard, fine-grained stone with a smooth surface, gray in color and spots of white. Bantílis kag kasingkásing, You …

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basbas CEBUANO

basbas v [A; b] chop o? nodes, lumps, etc. in wood or bam-boo. Gibasbásan níya ang mga lipak pára sa …

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