"Unfeatured" is a word in ENGLISH

unfeatured ENGLISH

Wanting regular features; deformed.

Few words of positivity

I began a lifelong affair with nostalgia, with only the vaguest notions of what I was nostalgic for.

Lucy Grealy

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the blonde who brought her cosmetics with her for a make-up exam?

disarray ENGLISH

Want of array or regular order; disorder; confusion.

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disorder ENGLISH

Want of order or regular disposition; lack of arrangement; confusion; disarray; as, the troops were thrown into disorder; the papers …

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formless ENGLISH

Shapeless; without a determinate form; wanting regularity of shape.

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informality ENGLISH

The state of being informal; want of regular, prescribed, or customary form; as, the informality of legal proceedings.

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informity ENGLISH

Want of regular form; shapelessness.

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ophiomorpha ENGLISH

An order of tailless amphibians having a slender, wormlike body with regular annulations, and usually with minute scales imbedded in …

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puntu n {1} point, the important or main idea. Klarúha ang puntu sa buut mung ipasabut, Clarify the point that …

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shapeless ENGLISH

Destitute of shape or regular form; wanting symmetry of dimensions; misshapen; -- opposed to shapely.

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típig - Preserving, keeping (in a safe state); to guard well, reserve, preserve, keep, save, lay—aside,—by,—away,—up in store, deposit, garner …

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