"Underniceness" is a word in ENGLISH

underniceness ENGLISH

A want of niceness; indelicacy; impropriety.

Few words of positivity

My ultimate aim is to make euthanasia a positive experience.

Jack Kevorkian

Laugh your heart out.

A dinner speaker was in such a hurry to get to his engagement that when he arrived and sat down at the head table, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten his false teeth.Turning to the man next to him he said, "I forgot my teeth."The man said, "No problem." With that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of false teeth. "Try these," he said.The speaker tried them. "Too loose," he said.The man then said, "I have another pair...try these."The speaker tried them and responded, "Too tight."The man was not taken back at all. He then said, "I have one more paid of false teeth...try them."The speaker said, "They fit perfectly." With that he ate his meal and gave his address.After the dinner meeting was over, the speaker went over to thank the man who had helped him."I want to thank you for coming to my aid. Where is your office? I've been looking for a good dentist."The man replied, "I'm not a dentist. I'm the local undertaker."


n. rent. v. /-UM-, MANG-:-AN/ to rent. Kayat ko nga abangan ta kariton mo. I want to rent your cart.

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abaniko TAGALOG

abaniko Active Verb: mag-abaniko Definition: (noun) folding fan (active verb) to fan oneself 2 Definition: (synonym) pamaypay Notes: Examples: 1. …

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abirritation ENGLISH

A pathological condition opposite to that of irritation; debility; want of strength; asthenia.

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absence ENGLISH

Want; destitution; withdrawal.

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abugadu CEBUANO

abugádu n lawyer. v {1} [B16; a2] be, become a lawyer. {2} [A; b] speak for s. o. Abugadúhan ta …

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abuloy ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to acquiesce to, consent to, agre. with approve. Saan mo nga abuloyan ta kaykayat na. Don’t acquiesce to …

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accommodation ENGLISH

Whatever supplies a want or affords ease, refreshment, or convenience; anything furnished which is desired or needful; -- often in …

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acephalous ENGLISH

Wanting the beginning.

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acholia ENGLISH

Deficiency or want of bile.

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acranial ENGLISH

Wanting a skull.

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adris n address. way n tough guy, police character (lit. one who does not have an established residence). Ikaw nga …

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adúna short form: dúna there is, are, will be. Dúnay libru sa lamísa, There is a book on the table. …

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ágao - To seize, take by force, usurp, snatch away from another. Indì mo pagagáwon ang íya sang ibán. Do …

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agapang CEBUANO

agápang n k. o. mullet. agára v [A; a2] claim as his own s.t. owned in common with s. o. …

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agraman ILOKANO

adv. with, including, in addition. --syn. PATI. RAMÁN, n. taste, flavor. v. /-UM-:-AN/ 1. to taste, flavor. Kayat mo nga …

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ah particle expressing rejection or denial. Ah! Dílì kanà mahímù, Oh! Thats impossible. Ah, dì ku. Kápuy, Oh, I dont …

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airless ENGLISH

Not open to a free current of air; wanting fresh air, or communication with the open air.

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v. /AG-/ [with pl. subject] to be joined or placed together facing each other (e.g. hands, plates, shells), to be …

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aku I, me. Aku lang, Let me do it. Short form: ku. Adtu na ku (aku), Im going now. ay …

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alam-alam CEBUANO

alam-álam v [A; c] {1} coax s. o. to do s.t. he does not want to do. Alam-alámi siya, Coax …

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