"Undan" is a word in CEBUANO


undan a aware of what is happening around one.
n awareness.
Wà siyay undan nga gidala sa huspital, He was unconscious when he was brought to the hospital.
v {1} [A12; b28] know, be aware of what is going on.
Wà pa ku makaundan paghalin námù sa Mindanaw, I was not old enough to know what was going on when we moved to Mindanao.
Wà ku makaundan nga gikúut ang ákung kwarta, I did not notice that s.
had picked my pocket.
{1a} [A12] regain consciousness.
{1b} come to understand fully s.t.
about which one had misapprehensions.
Hiundanan (naundanan) na níya ang íyang sayup, He has just realized his mistakes.
{2} [A13; b8] grow up under the condi-tions, environment of.
Nag-undan siya sa pagkaharúhay, She grew up in great comfort.
sa buut = undan.
see also unud.

Few words of positivity

Foolish potato, talking to her like that won’t work. You’ve got to be mean and show off your foil-wrapped rigidity.

Michael Diack, The Super Spud Trilogy

Laugh your heart out.

Democrat men like to watch football while the women fix holiday meals. On this, Republicans are in full agreement.


unud n {1} flesh. Unud sa báka, Cows flesh. Unud sa imbaw, The flesh of the clam. Unud sa mangga, …

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