"Unconstant" is a word in ENGLISH

unconstant ENGLISH

Not constant; inconstant; fickle; changeable.

Few words of positivity

Hatred comes from the heart contempt from the head and neither feeling is quite within our control.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Anthea !Anthea who ?Anthea get home by 8 O'clock, or else !

active ENGLISH

Given to action; constantly engaged in action; energetic; diligent; busy; -- opposed to dull, sluggish, indolent, or inert; as, an …

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agsub WARAY

Agsub - frequent; constant

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alingugngug CEBUANO

alingugngug a noisy in a constant drumming way. Alingugngug kaáyu ang tíngug sa tambul, The drum made an annoying sound. …

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Anchor Watch LAW AND LEGAL

A watch, conslst-ing of a small number of men. (from one to four,) kept constantly on deck while the vessel …

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anínaw - Picture, reflection of a mirror, model, type; to look into a mirror, to keep before one’s eyes, to …

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aragóy - An exclamation of pain and suffering; to complain loudly of pain, etc. Indì ka magaragóy—or—magpangaragóy sing támà. Do …

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árak - A sound or noise as of many, pattering, clattering, bickering, a medley of voices or sounds; to sound, …

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assiduity ENGLISH

Constant or close application or attention, particularly to some business or enterprise; diligence.

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assiduous ENGLISH

Performed with constant diligence or attention; unremitting; persistent; as, assiduous labor.

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assiduous ENGLISH

Constant in application or attention; devoted; attentive; unremitting.

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atas-atas HILIGAYNON

atás-átas - Dim. and Freq. of átas. Also: To run after, to follow, to be constantly behind. Ang ilóy nagaatás-átas …

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atí-áti - Dim. of áti. Resembling a Negrito in blackness, etc.; dark, blackish. Maís nga atí-áti. Dark maize, black corn. …

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bábay - (B) Used only of, or amongst, females: Friend, playmate, constant babáye – bagâ companion, bosom-friend, intimate; to be …

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babble ENGLISH

Inarticulate speech; constant or confused murmur.

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bádlò - Phlegm. May bádlò siá pírme. He is constantly troubled with phlegm.

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báka n cow, beef. -ng túru bull. bakahan n cattle ranch. (ng) litsíra n {1} source of financial support. Ang …

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baliala CEBUANO

baliálà (not without l) n the Malaysian fantail, a small bird that moves its tail up and down while perched: …

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balíling - To flap the hand, shake the hand loosely to and fro or up and down. Balilínga ang kamót …

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banaól - A bird of prey that resembles a hawk owl. (cf. manaól). bánas, A trail, path, foot-path, track; to …

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bángag - To crack, form fissures (said of the soil). Nagbángag ang ámon talámnan. Our field has cracks in it. …

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